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Oooh...the guilt...

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  • Oooh...the guilt...

    Man i just dont get it, lately ive been being a GREAT commander, ive been hopping on 64 karkand servers with 5-9 squads up and getting people to follow orders and feel like part of a larger team effort. often enough ill do some thing like having a squad assemble outside the fence west of the hotel and then another to the east of the hotel and rush them in at the same time with another squad coming from te south, im not tooting my own horn but ive been AWSOME, but somehow everytime i lose i always feel like it's completely my fault and that i screwed up, i apologize to SLs when we lose and they even ask me to commander next round.they tell me its not my fault but why do i feel like i screwed my team over?

  • #2
    Re: Oooh...the guilt...

    Lies everyone! Eddy played the Commander in PWN life!


    • #3
      Re: Oooh...the guilt...

      As long as you do your part (UAVs, orders to SLs, supply drops, spotting) then it is up to the team to get things done. They are probably dying more than the other team or not holding flags.

      If they ask you to command again, then it would imply that they think you are doing a good job. Don't fret.

      I usually don't even command squads to go to the Hotel on Karkand. That doesn't stop idiot from rushing there though because they want uber-leet kills. It's such a waste for a pointless flag. Suburb or Square are better to get right away. Unless you can get a bunch to rush across the river and get Cement or Gatehouse.

      Screwing the team over would be fighting while commanding, cying constantly, and ignoring commander duties. (Haha, I said, "doodies.")

      Off-topic: BTW, your avatar with "Mr. Self Destruct" playing is pretty trippy...


      • #4
        Re: Oooh...the guilt...

        yeah ur right im L33T


        • #5
          Re: Oooh...the guilt...

          Sorry, but it looks like you only have 1,300 commander points... that's not leet at all.

          That's >10% of your total. Try getting 25% of you total as commander points .


          • #6
            Re: Oooh...the guilt...

            When I command I just give squad leaders orders. I never talk on the mic unless someone talks to me which is almost never. :/
            I'm a bad commander in pubs, in matches im pretty good.


            • #7
              Re: Oooh...the guilt...

              eddy... Don't feel guilty for the fact that your team loses... If you use the UAV etc it's almost never the commanders fault...


              • #8
                Re: Oooh...the guilt...

                its normally the one SL that doesn't defend a base from the sniper you point out several times over. so then they get a near frontier and pincer you. its normally there fault

                i do like it though when my team pull through in the dieing seconds and get a close voctory, mainly because it means big points


                • #9
                  Re: Oooh...the guilt...

                  It feels impossible to break the initial stalemate on 64 players kark breaking to suburbs never happens, always a few svd snipers whoring clays on that hill raping anyone tying to come by.

                  btw commanding on wake rox when ppl listen, i just whack the airfield first and then defend it to the DEATH if you can hold it long enough for the f18 to get up and help the f35bs kill j10s(they cant reaload now...LOLZ)...then your gold, the f35bs which PWN at bombing will rape anything they see and youll probably never lose that field.


                  • #10
                    Re: Oooh...the guilt...

                    what is, by the way, the purpose of this thread? and all other threads you've made, eddy?


                    • #11
                      Re: Oooh...the guilt...

                      As long as you have deccent team give orders and UAV arty ext your a good cammander otherwise the other teams cammander may be just as good with better man power.


                      • #12
                        Re: Oooh...the guilt...

                        Originally posted by Doggie52
                        what is, by the way, the purpose of this thread? and all other threads you've made, eddy?


                        • #13
                          Re: Oooh...the guilt...

                          that one hurt, j

                          I(like scinto) dont have emotions


                          • #14
                            Re: Oooh...the guilt...

                            Eddy, it's out of love.

                            Who's j?

                            BTW, did you notice that my post is basically post-padding as well?

                            This one almost fits that category too.


                            • #15
                              Re: Oooh...the guilt...

                              Commanding is great if you find squads that listen and follow orders.
                              The possibility for the commander to zoom in is VERY useful.
                              Sometimes I just zoom in on a flag and talk to my squad attacking while sending UAV.
                              It is easy to spot the enemy via UAV but can can even tell the squad where excactly he's hiding, like "He's on the roof at the Suburb building".
                              UAV gives you an idea of where the enemy is, but you can't always have your eye on the radar map when attacking a flag.
                              Voip gives you the possibility to extend the tactics and it's much easier to say: "Attack the flag from the right, don't attack frontal as there is someone waiting!" etc.

                              On the other side it is a lot better to voip the commander if you're a SL.
                              "I need supplies at the Gatehouse" is far better than just using the "T" key, as the commander has to search for the one who requested.
                              Using voip to commend a squad is much appreciated.

                              Communication is the key to good teamwork!


