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BF2 truely is one messed up game

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  • BF2 truely is one messed up game

    I go to play BF2 like I normally do & I join Raging Rebels ranked server.
    And I'm playing out the round flying around in the black-hawk on Mashtuur when all of a sudden my screen goes black...and then after a minute of a black screen, I crash to my desktop...all of a sudden my Windows desktop theme is Windows 98 style & the color quality in "properties > settings" is at 4.

    So I quickly reboot, hoping my system will right itself, and upon reboot, I get a message that my BIOS/CMOS needs to be reset & that the application "BF2.exe" ****ed up my memory timings & my CAS latency & some voltages are screwed up, and what ever else it did....and to make a long story short, basically telling me that I cant use my PC.

    So I unplug my computer & I clear the CMOS on the motherboard...put my PC back together & I restart, and everything worked fine afterwards.

    What is wrong with this's bad enough the games poorly made & the system requirments are 10x what they should be, now it's messing with vital PC aspects such as BIOS options & RAM settings.

    I've had my handful of Bf2 issues, but what happened yesterday was ridiculous.

  • #2
    Re: BF2 truely is one messed up game

    Yeah, BF2 tends to take control of your entire PC when it's waiting for a server to respond and ****, it takes control of EVERYTHING really. When I get the desktop crash with the huge windows, I simply start BF2 again (use the keyboard, pin it to start menu) and it fixes up.

    It should NOT be changing any hardware settings though, and last I checked, some of those can't be changed with software.

