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weapon question..

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  • weapon question..

    First off, I am enjoying this mod a lot even though the servers seem laggy. Last night I was using the marksman kit for the USMC and was really enjoying the M-14 and its raw power. At one point I was on a roof top shooting at some guy a few hundred meters away and I just could not hit him. I tried with the crosshairs on him and slightly above him. Once he knew where I was he got me in one shot. So I ask the question, is there more of a bullet drop in PR? I'm trying to find out why I wasnt hitting this guy, and yes, I was laying down so that wasnt the problem.. thanks

  • #2
    Re: weapon question..

    Yes there is bullet drop in PR, and yes it is more pronounced than in vBF2.

    Likewise, the M14 is a DMR (Designated Marksman's Rifle) meaning it is to be used to support a squad with accurate medium range fire. It isn't a sniper rifle. It is used to support a suqad (much like a SAW).

    Hope that helps .


    • #3
      Re: weapon question..

      thanks for the reply, I did know that the M14 is a medium range rifle.. unfortunatly there were know sniper kits available due to lack of players in server. I think sniper kits should be available no matter how many players are in the server, but thats just a small gripe. I think that at least one of my shots should have reached the guy especially since he got me first shot. Again, thanks for the reply.

