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New server rule, laugh at this

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  • New server rule, laugh at this

    I was playing on a server last night, got disconnected before I could get the info...

    Admins there said "Armor not allowed to shoot at aircraft".

    I was like "Are you serious?"

    I guess he was mad that I shot their chopper out of the air twice...

    Where do these stupid rules end?

  • #2
    Re: New server rule, laugh at this

    What map was it? Lame how some admins make up rules to cover their weaknesses/mistakes.


    • #3
      Re: New server rule, laugh at this

      The dark oil plant one... not Dalian, the other :/


      • #4
        Re: New server rule, laugh at this


        That rule is lame as hell. Most people cannot shoot down aircraft with armor so it shouldn't even be a concern.

        But, I guess it's because they suck in the air.


        • #5
          Re: New server rule, laugh at this

          ...or they fly very low.


          • #6
            Re: New server rule, laugh at this

            lol if someone gets shot down by armour they must either have to be crap at bombing so they have to be close to the ground or being going to slow


            • #7
              Re: New server rule, laugh at this

              that is definetly sad


              • #8
                Re: New server rule, laugh at this

                Originally posted by CTD-CaptainBuck
                that is definetly sad
                id like to see the pilot playing just to see how bad he really is,

                installing supreme commander \o/


                • #9
                  Re: New server rule, laugh at this

                  lmao ive only reported one person ever. but if i were to shoot a chopper/jet down and get kicked for that. i would report their server to the GSP/BFROE/EA and anything else.

                  also. i installed SC but uninstalled after like 5 seconds


                  • #10
                    Re: New server rule, laugh at this

                    Sounds like someone has taken BFROE Rule 2.3.2 to the extreem!

                    Originally posted by BFROE|ELI
                    The no attacking uncaps is a server admin option. This is not a mandatory requirement.

                    2.3.2 Allowed “In-House” Ranked Server Rules:

                    Server Administrators may implement and enforce rules that result in minor changes to gameplay behavior or styles as long as these are clearly stated before a player starts playing on a server. These rules typically introduce minor restrictions on how a certain aspect of the game can be used.

                    Examples of such rules that are acceptable are:

                    (a) Players may not use explicit, offensive or racist language in-game.

                    (b) Players may not impersonate clan members or other server administrators.

                    (c) Players may not deliberately performing actions that hinder their own team (such as last-minute team-swapping to increase scores or statistics, excessive team-killing, destroying friendly vehicles, attacking team-mates,

                    deliberately placing themselves in a situation so they cause another player to team-kill them, using a vehicle while being the Commander that prevents them from performing any Commander functions (jet, etc.) or placing vehicles to block their own runways.

                    (d) Making attacks on enemy main bases (flags that cannot be captured), including artillery strikes, vehicle drops to block runways, bombing runs with aircraft or sustained infantry attacks. (Note that specific attacks targeting the enemy commander’s asset buildings are always allowed, even if they are within the enemy main base.)


                    • #11
                      Re: New server rule, laugh at this

                      Did you check your battlerecorder to see if the round was captured? That would make a funny video if it were.


                      • #12
                        Re: New server rule, laugh at this

                        Its just like everyone else that whines on there, you killed them so you must be cheating SOMEHOW.


                        • #13
                          Re: New server rule, laugh at this

                          One kill was them coming into hover over a flag, the other was when they were flying out of the Chinese uncap, and I nailed them near the bridge.


                          • #14
                            Re: New server rule, laugh at this

                            I wonder how they would feel about the .50 cal from a humvee then? Because that is sometimes the best way to take out a helo.


                            • #15
                              Re: New server rule, laugh at this

                              Admins FTL.

