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Nostalgia! The good old BF2 days

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  • Nostalgia! The good old BF2 days

    I was in this other thread about the transport helicopters and someone mentioned ye olde Blackhawk... Made me recall the days of the USMC flying deathmachine on Mashtuur and flag hopping when all the people in a heli counted towards a flag capture.

    Other fun (but ridiculously unbalanced) items include:

    -Throwing C4 over fences.

    -Dolphin Diving (you were goooood at it, remember?)

    If you were really there in the start you may remember glorious times like seeing jets and helicopters crash into trees repeatedly back when no one knew how to fly!

    What things of old do you remember fondly?

  • #2
    Re: Nostalgia! The good old BF2 days

    Originally posted by EvilP
    If you were really there in the start you may remember glorious times like seeing jets and helicopters crash into trees repeatedly back when no one knew how to fly!

    I don't know where you've been.. but I haven't seen too many servers where people do know how to fly :laugh:


    • #3
      Re: Nostalgia! The good old BF2 days

      if ur in a chopper and you know a jet is chasing you because u can hear the missiles lock onto you then you can say that he sucks

      and trust me I hear that lock all the time and I see people slow down in jets for the kill


      • #4
        Re: Nostalgia! The good old BF2 days

        I remember TKing for jets on my old account, crashing several times just after takeoff, getting kicked/banned from several servers, yelling **** this game, uninstalling it, and not touching it until 5 months ago. Only to be welcomed by 1.41.


        • #5
          Re: Nostalgia! The good old BF2 days

          I for one, know that I can't fly for ****.

          I mostly co-pilot in the bombers.


          • #6
            Re: Nostalgia! The good old BF2 days

            i remember using the tv missile as a sniper rifle for armor. the range back then was wickedly awesome.


            • #7
              Re: Nostalgia! The good old BF2 days

              Dont want to think about it, it get sme worked up.


              • #8
                Re: Nostalgia! The good old BF2 days

                i remember back when the game first came out, it was actually fun to play...


                • #9
                  Re: Nostalgia! The good old BF2 days

                  I remember, yes, back in 1.12, Where the game actually took skill...


                  • #10
                    Re: Nostalgia! The good old BF2 days

                    I didn't know what a patch was and was wondering where the heck everyone was

