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Unlocks Question

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  • Unlocks Question

    Do you need BF2 SF to unlock guns and use them in regular BF2 multiplayer? Guns like L96A1, FS200, G36E, and flashbangs?

  • #2
    Re: Unlocks Question

    the first tier unlocks come with vanilla, second tier like the ones you mentioned can only be unlocked with SF


    • #3
      Unlocks Question

      Can i get more people's imput so i can send a hyperlink of this topic to my stupid ignorate friend...


      • #4
        Re: Unlocks Question

        i could post it again if you want.

        or you could tell him to go here..........


        • #5
          Re: Unlocks Question

          Originally posted by ruegge
          Can i get more people's imput so i can send a hyperlink of this topic to my stupid ignorate friend...
          tell ur ignorant freind that SF is SO worth getting, get it and play a few rounds on SF maps and then when server refreshes youll have an unlock for each time you ranked up ready to choose.
          cas in SF you get 2 unlocks per rank.

          btw u dont unlock flashbagns i dont think, they come with f-2000 assault kit as subsiture for smoke.

          btw when u try to start it up 4 first time itll say some crap about shaders not found, just reinstall the latest patch and that should fix it.

          Originally posted by mwillin0000
          xfire: mwillin00 feel free to add unless you whine/complain/hack/or think people hack when you die
          this is a quote from this guys sig ill add u 2 a round with u sometime since we both like f-2000


          • #6
            Re: Unlocks Question

            The unlock for the F2000 comes up as a flash/bang unlock. It's just a visual thing.

