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Saving encrypted key from registry?

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  • Saving encrypted key from registry?

    Heres my deal. I am getting CTD when trying to join online all of a sudden out of the blue. Read a lot about the crashing and there is really no answer for a fix other than 'reinstall'.

    Before I reinstall though I need to save my CDKEY since I cannot find my manual. I have found the encoded key in my registry. But I am not sure that if I copy that down and re-import it after I reinstall that it will work.

    Can anyone confirm that the encoded key can be copied and re-used in it's encoded form just fine? Better yet, what else can I try before reinstalling BF2 and 1.41?

  • #2
    Re: Saving encrypted key from registry?

    Many have had luck, Few have had issues and required the manual for the SN again. If you don't have yours, there are EA support alternatives to buying a new one for $10.


    • #3
      Re: Saving encrypted key from registry?

      Yes you can use hashed key just as well, but you'll need a real key to install the game. After installation game won't notice difference. Alternatively just backup the whole BF2 directory, copy it to new machine, run the registry entries (CS-key hash, path and so on) and play.


      • #4
        Re: Saving encrypted key from registry?

        After you do this, use the "Register this game" link to decrypt your serial online


        • #5
          Re: Saving encrypted key from registry?

          Originally posted by camperstruck
          After you do this, use the "Register this game" link to decrypt your serial online
          Does it really work? Because if it does, it might be possible to steal CD-key through a cracked server? But that's great if you can, even though EA link sucks big time. Never worked for me because of ActiveX and all maliculous stuff in it.


          • #6
            Re: Saving encrypted key from registry?

            No support is offered through the board for warez/cdkey crap. Either you own it and have it or you buy it.

