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Double Reload

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  • Double Reload

    Has anyone else been getting a lot of double reloading?

    Im in a 64 player server with a ping of 30 and most others arent far behind, I dont see why lag should be an issue.

    In the last 24 hours, it has reloaded twice every single time.

  • #2
    Re: Double Reload

    does it happen when u first start bf2? It usually means u selected a server that has changed maps while u load.


    • #3
      Re: Double Reload

      happens in 2142 too.


      • #4
        Re: Double Reload

        for wepaons or maps?

        my weapons have been reloading twice. alot lately even reinstalled.


        • #5
          Re: Double Reload

          Yes, Im refering to weapon reload.

          I just changed teams a few times, and I noticed it didnt happen with the SVD, but always with the M24.

          It annoying as hell.


          • #6
            Re: Double Reload

            Yea its another many bugs of the wonderful BF2. Its annoying specially in a middle of a firefight.


            • #7
              Re: Double Reload

              LOL, people complaining about double bugs? When I used to play in 250+ ms ping servers I remember one occasion when I reloaded my M16, and it kept reloadiing. After about 10th or so reload I just switched kits.


              • #8
                Re: Double Reload

                Why were you playing with a 250+ ms ping?


                • #9
                  Re: Double Reload

                  Double reload happens if I'm using a bolt action rifle and I zoom before all the little reload bars light up. FYI the L96A1, even tohugh the relad animation is finished there's still a bar or two that still has to light up and usually if you zoom or fire or anything like that before they've light up then it relads again.


                  • #10
                    Re: Double Reload

                    Originally posted by N2K
                    Why were you playing with a 250+ ms ping?
                    Unless I want to prove something, in every game Ive played so far, Ive always chosen US servers. 250+ ms ping server days were before I got "error check" disabled by my ISP. Instant 100 ms ping reduction.

                    I choose company over my personal score.


                    • #11
                      Re: Double Reload

                      Hmm, I can't stand high pings. If I didn't care I would of had my server on the west coast and get a 20ping. So I got it at Dallas, almost center from anywhere in the US.


                      • #12
                        Re: Double Reload

                        Originally posted by N2K
                        Hmm, I can't stand high pings. If I didn't care I would of had my server on the west coast and get a 20ping. So I got it at Dallas, almost center from anywhere in the US.
                        Thats about 170 to 200 ms ping for me. Or 2 bodies lenght of lead :P.

                        East Coast man, East Coast. You get people from US and from Western Europe.


                        • #13
                          Re: Double Reload

                          I already get lots of traffic from Europe, specially the Netherlands.


                          • #14
                            Re: Double Reload

                            Originally posted by N2K
                            I already get lots of traffic from Europe, specially the Netherlands.
                            What are they pinging?


                            • #15
                              Re: Double Reload


                              I have max kick too 300

