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trouble have been online with ea for months

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  • trouble have been online with ea for months

    Ok I am not at home and found this forum so going with memory about my troubles.
    First I can play some servers very few.
    My trouble is this I can login to my account no problems search servers usually lower than 60 ms and even checked with out side trace program. well then l connect to server and says connected down loads map then say play when I hit that next thing I get is
    Server disconnected. No reason why ECT redid ping test and even checked polling no problems with the servers, or route to the server.
    Some steps tried:
    Turned windows firewall off, even spy ware checker, antivirus. Spybot, ad ware, ect nothing found.
    Have checked with my router with is a net gear router supplied by road runner for there premium service with speeds of 8 mb and 5 mb.
    Have checked open all ports even had their tier three level came in checked all cable connection changed different router modem ect nothing helps .
    I am at wits end how to fix this or to even find out what causing this.
    I will post some stuff we have tried with ea and I have given up with them as I truly don't understand what causing this.
    When I try to connect to any servers I keep getting this message ( your conne...

    Discussion Thread
    Response (Leo V.) 11/19/2006 10:28 PM

    Thanks for writing us back. I'm sorry for the troubles this is causing you.

    If you wish to reach us by phone so you can get support in real time, you may dial 650-6284311 from Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm PST.

    Should you require further assistance with this game or other Electronic Arts games in the future, please visit our website and review our extensive Self Help knowledgebase at (

    Thank you,

    Leo V
    EA Technical Support

    Customer (Joe Kamer) 11/19/2006 10:23 PM
    ok just to make sure I did this right once again reinstalled everything and even checked there is no firewall not even windows for that matter now don't have spy ware or antivirus is there any more ports any way other than the ones listed !!!!!!!!!! Give me phone number of someone I can talk to and work on this!

    Response (Leo V.) 11/19/2006 07:36 PM

    Thanks for writing us back. I'm sorry for the troubles this has caused you.

    Unfortunately, your order of installation may have caused the issue. Special Forces is the expansion of Battlefield 2. It should come after installing Battlefield 2.

    Please manually uninstall all the games again and re-install them in this order:

    * Battlefield 2
    * Special Forces
    * Patch
    * Euro Force
    * Re-patch
    * Armored Fury
    * Re-patch

    Then check the game's performance.

    Should you require further assistance with this game or other Electronic Arts games in the future, please visit our website and review our extensive Self Help knowledgebase at (

    Thank you,

    Leo V
    EA Technical Support

    Customer (Joe Kamer) 11/19/2006 05:44 PM
    Well tried again every thing worked till I did the special force do with it.

    Customer (Joe Kamer) 11/19/2006 04:29 PM
    Ok another account didn't help but hear is some progress. I am more convinced now its your end and hear is why.
    Uninstalled all BF2 including expansion packs ect.

    Reinstalled BF2 and patch 1.4 was able to connect.
    Installed BF2 euro force ok
    repatched 1.4 ok
    installed special forces expansion not ok
    repatched 1.4 not ok
    tried armor fury booster pack not ok
    1.4 full patch not ok
    so at this point appears to be something in your special forces expansion pack. is there someone on phone its time to move this along not get response every couple days don't help me.

    Response (EA Tech Marlon V.) 11/19/2006 11:15 AM

    This is Marlon from Electronic Arts Technical Support.

    I'm sorry if the previous responses have not solved the connection problem that you are having with Battlefield 2. Please bear with me as we troubleshoot your issue more.

    Please create a new administrator account in Windows XP. This is to check if there's any corrupted files with the old administrator account that is causing a conflict with the game. Unfortunately, you'd have to uninstall the game using the old administrator account then reinstall the game using the new one.

    If you are unsure whether the account you are using has Administrator abilities, you can check this in the User Accounts interface.

    Click on the Start button.
    Click on Control Panel.
    Locate the small Control Panel sub-window at the top left of the window.
    If it says Switch to Category View, you are in the correct viewing mode.
    If it says Switch to Classic View, click on the text to switch to the correct view.
    Double-click on the User Accounts icon.
    Find your user name in the User Accounts window.
    Look to the right to determine which Group it is in. It should be an Administrator, Computer Administrator, or Owner account.

    If you would like to make a new Administrator account, you can do this in the User Accounts interface.

    Click on the Start button.
    Click on Control Panel.
    Locate the small Control Panel sub-window at the top left of the window.
    If it says Switch to Category View, you are in the correct viewing mode.
    If it says Switch to Classic View, click on the text to switch to the correct view.
    Double-click on the User Accounts icon.
    Click on the Add button.
    Choose a user name and password.
    Make sure to give the account full Administrator abilities.
    Once the account is created, you will be able to restart and log in with the new Administrator account.

    Try running the game on this account and see if the issue is now solved.

    I hope the above information helps. Please email us about any significant change or development with your issue. I will be looking forward for your response and we appreciate your cooperation in this matter.

    Should you require further assistance about this or any Electronic Arts games in the future please visit our website and review our extensive Self Help knowledgebase (

    Marlon V.
    Electronic Arts Technical Support

    Customer (Joe Kamer) 11/19/2006 08:12 AM
    Okay have exception to allow all the above ports all ports listed on game spy, hear what it does even after updating latest punk buster.
    I can connect and log in to server then log into server maps down load then it says problem with your connection.

    Customer (Joe Kamer) 11/19/2006 05:51 AM
    Well I am connecting through a cable modem thought time Warner cable road runner <
    yes had system changes had to format my hard drive reinstall windows but everything but B2 working.
    can't open these ports: UDP ports:1500-4999
    that's just too many ports or does it mean 1500 and 4999 ports I am using windows firewall even when turned off same thing have opened all the ports listed except one's I listed. I had been using a program called Trend Micro internet security but uninstalled firewall in it.
    direct x all ready did that and also latest driver from NVIDIA .I will research more on game spy firewall page see if anything else I can do .

    Response (EA Tech Marlon V.) 11/18/2006 07:17 AM

    This is Marlon and thank you for contacting Electronic Arts Technical Support.

    I understand you're having connection issues with Battlefield 2, and we apologize for the inconveniences that this has caused you. Please be assured that I will try my best to help you resolve this issue immediately.

    Before we continue, I may need to ask for some additional information that might help us figure out what's causing the problem.
    - Where are you connecting to the internet from (home, school, office, etc...) and what type of connection doing you having?
    - Were you able to connect without any issues before? If so, are there any recent changes to your PCs configuration (hardware, software) prior to the issues that you are now having?

    With that said, let's proceed troubleshooting your problem.

    Connection issues typically are caused by one or more ports being blocked by a firewall, router, or even your Internet Service Provider to help maintain security. These ports are the doorways used to send and receive information between your computer and the server. Please make sure that you have configured your router/firewall to have the game's ports open in order to connect to the servers properly.

    The ports for Battlefield 2 are as follows:

    UDP ports:

    * 27900
    * 29900
    * 29910
    * 27901
    * 55123
    * 55124
    * 55215
    * 16567
    * 1500-4999
    * 18060

    TCP ports:

    * 80
    * 29900
    * 29901
    * 29920
    * 28910
    * 4711
    * 18060

    In addition you may also need to have your Internet Service Provider open these ports for you. For help configuring a firewall or router you may need to refer to the manufacturer.

    If you are using Game Spy Arcade, please check the requirements listed in the Working Around the Firewall/Proxy section of their site:

    * Game Spy Arcade’s firewall page.
    * Further connection troubleshooting steps.
    * Perform these Punk Buster updates.

    I hope the above information helps. Please email us about any significant change or development with your issue. I will be looking forward for your response and we appreciate your cooperation in this matter.

    Should you require further assistance about this or any Electronic Arts games in the future please visit our website and review our extensive Self Help knowledgebase (

    Marlon V.
    Electronic Arts Technical Support

    Customer (Joe Kamer) 11/17/2006 09:20 PM
    when I try to connect to any servers I keep getting this message ( your connection to the server has been lost)
    steps have up dated punk buster, direct x my video drivers, sound card and even reinstalled the latest patches any other idea's .
    I HAVE TURNED OFF WINDOWS FIRE WALL. Don't now what else to check for or to do please help.
    done virus scan ect ect ect

    Auto-Response 11/17/2006 09:20 PM

    Before you finish submitting your question, please make sure that you have attached your hardware information to help us resolve your answer quickly. If your hardware information is not included and you have a technical issue, you will receive a response requesting this information before we can assist you.

    Please go back and follow these steps to save and attach your hardware information:

    1. Click on the "Start" button and select "Run".
    2. Type "DXDIAG" and click "OK".
    3. If the DirectX diagnostic tool does not load, please go to and download/install the latest version of DirectX before re-attempting step 2. Otherwise continue to step 4.
    4. Click the "Save All Information…" button.
    5. Click "Save" to save your information to your desktop.
    6. Click here (, and fill out the required fields.
    7. Click the "Browse" button at the bottom of the link.
    8. Click the "Desktop" icon on the left of the menu, and select "Dxdiag.txt".
    9. Click "Open" to attach your hardware information, and then submit your question.

  • #2
    Re: trouble have been online with ea for months

    I'm not reading your book.

    reinstall 1.41
    Reinstall your video and sound card drivers
    defrag your hard drive
    manually update punkbuster from here:


    • #3
      Re: trouble have been online with ea for months

      Originally posted by |CBW|Simon
      I'm not reading your book.

      reinstall 1.41
      Reinstall your video and sound card drivers
      defrag your hard drive
      manually update punkbuster from here:
      Well if you read it , you would have found out I have done that so why did you waste everyone else time if not going to try to help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


      • #4
        Re: trouble have been online with ea for months

        I'm not wasting everyone's time. I'm only wasting your time, and that pleases me highly. Why don't you readers digest your volume down to something that people will read and perhaps you will get more attempts at help. The attitude you exhibit, if it is your 'way', will leave you with only a mother's love in life, and even that only when it's really cold outside.

        Best of luck.


        • #5
          Re: trouble have been online with ea for months

          Well, simon, i read it - why dont you not bother posting if you dont bother reading?

          Thats something i dont get about this forum, people take more enjoyment out of posting useless, inflammatory crap than actually trying to help. if you cant help the bloke, then why bother wasting both his time and your time, and now my own minute?

          md300, i had a similar problem for a while mate. I tried all sorts of different things, but ultimately, what got it to work was installing without bothering to install SF. without SF its run fine.


          • #6
            Re: trouble have been online with ea for months

            thanks I will try that !!!!!!!! I posted the long winded conversation with ea so everyone nows I have tried to fix this.and the steps.


            • #7
              Re: trouble have been online with ea for months

              Anyone with any other idea have uninstalled reinstalled repatched, have no firewall no spy ware.
              the ping to most server been under 50 ms yet I get either two errors connection to server lost or problem with your connection.


              • #8
                Re: trouble have been online with ea for months

                Are you running via cable to the router or wireless?
                Have you looked for updated drivers for your lan card or wireless card?
                Have you tried a new cable?
                Have you looked on netgear to see if theres any firmware updates?
                Have you contacted netgear?

