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question for AT whores

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  • question for AT whores

    so I started playing again a few days ago, for now Im trying to stick to reqular guns(no unlocks and no medic kit) but I think Im in love with the AT kit lol, love pulling long range shots with the sraw or w\e its called, Im having a hard time hitting moving choppers tho, any tips??

    do you aim for the back or you lead the shot, I cant hit them no matter what, BHs maybe

  • #2
    Re: question for AT whores

    Lead, and follow just in front of the helo in the direction of travel. It's tricky still, the lead depends on speed and distance.


    • #3
      Re: question for AT whores

      There's some tips in this recent thread.

      SRAW/Eryx vs Infantry

      Against choppers?

      When straight on, aim high and bring the round down onto it's top (it can be steered). Same goes for oncoming buggys/Hummers.

      I don't aim for any particular part of a chopper unless it's very stationary. Even then I just go for the main body, since it can move.

      When a chopper is moving you have to lead it , unless it's moving directly away from you.

      Hit one last night that wasn't even on my monitor when I pulled the trigger. Don't be afraid to traverse you field of view till the target isn't there and firing. This was key to taking out planes in BF'42 and the technique still holds true in BF2 against any fast moving air vehicle.

      I just wish it worked better on jets.


      • #4
        Re: question for AT whores

        hmmm thats pretty much what Ive been doing

        btw sometimes the missile wont steer, is this a bug or am I doing something wrong, I was never into these things before


        • #5
          Re: question for AT whores

          Wait till they hover then aim at the guy sitting above the other guy in the chopper while they are hovering. if you kill him (the pilot) and it is low to the ground odds are the gunner wont switch back in time.


          • #6
            Re: question for AT whores

            If you go for a chopper make sure it is a steady chopper otherwise you will miss and although AT is a good kit I don't like its limited wepons (only 4 knife,pistol, gun, sraw/erxy) sometimes I wish it had the grenade otherwise over all it is a deccent kit.


            • #7
              Re: question for AT whores

              One time i killed a chopper spinning so fast. You just have to lead it right remember its really slow today a J10 was raping a carrier bam got him.


              • #8
                Re: question for AT whores

                When I go for moving choppers I usually guide the sraw without the scope (this is at shorter ranges like when a chopper is circling around the base). I find it much easier and I hit them much more often. The problem with scoping is if a chopper is circling around it gets out of your scope view very fast and it's not very comfortable to make a lot of redirecting with it, once you learn how to do it without scoping it'll be a piece of cake especially vs a big target like a chopper.


                • #9
                  Re: question for AT whores

                  Originally posted by =PSU=PJMAK1
                  so I started playing again a few days ago, for now Im trying to stick to reqular guns(no unlocks and no medic kit) but I think Im in love with the AT kit lol, love pulling long range shots with the sraw or w\e its called, Im having a hard time hitting moving choppers tho, any tips??

                  do you aim for the back or you lead the shot, I cant hit them no matter what, BHs maybe
                  Just practice by trial and error. Soon it will become second nature.


                  • #10
                    Re: question for AT whores

                    Wait, you can guide the missles?!?! Either I'm REALLY REALLY lucky or only people who really suck with the AT kit try to kill me, because when ever I'm sniping prone, crouch, standing whatever I've never been hit by the rockets accept once, when he hit the wall infront of me and I only had 2 bars of health and splash killed me. Damn, I oughta check that kit out :P


                    • #11
                      Re: question for AT whores

                      To hit choppers you gotta aim in front of them.

                      Originally posted by AudioAtomica
                      Wait, you can guide the missles?!?! Either I'm REALLY REALLY lucky or only people who really suck with the AT kit try to kill me, because when ever I'm sniping prone, crouch, standing whatever I've never been hit by the rockets accept once, when he hit the wall infront of me and I only had 2 bars of health and splash killed me. Damn, I oughta check that kit out :P
                      Only the sraws are laser guided, well, the eryx is sorta laser guided.


                      • #12
                        Re: question for AT whores

                        Originally posted by mr.morey
                        To hit choppers you gotta aim in front of them.

                        Only the sraws are laser guided, well, the eryx is sorta laser guided.
                        The SRAW and ERYX are the same as far as guidance is concerned


                        • #13
                          Re: question for AT whores

                          Find the 20ID pwnage video and watch their AT shots, especially that one against a jeep some dude does. Best technique to use.


                          • #14
                            Re: question for AT whores

                            Wouldn't say I'm an AT whore, but I do like using the kit.

                            With regards to your question on choppers, I usually shoot in-front of them, trying to predict the point where my round and their whirley bird will meet, usually get some good shots too.

                            One thing to always do though, shoot tanks in the tracks, the front or back I find are weakest, and it makes me chuckle every time I get a kill like that - although can take ~3 rounds



                            • #15
                              Re: question for AT whores

                              Originally posted by Chris_Redfield
                              Find the 20ID pwnage video and watch their AT shots, especially that one against a jeep some dude does. Best technique to use.
                              I saw it and I remember some good shots, ill have to watch it again coz I wasnt interested in this kit at that time

