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Anit tank mines- on troops only.

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  • Anit tank mines- on troops only.

    Anit tank mines- on troops only. Possible the worst thing ever! Does dice/Ea have any plans to change this?

    EDIT: This is in refrance to IO severs.

  • #2
    Re: Anit tank mines- on troops only.

    claymores for people who actually play BF2 (and look for these)


    • #3
      Re: Anit tank mines- on troops only.

      what are you talking about?


      • #4
        Re: Anit tank mines- on troops only.

        Not quite sure I understand.


        • #5
          Re: Anit tank mines- on troops only.

          Are you referring to the fact that players can still lay down AT mines, even when the server is set to Infantry Only?


          • #6
            Re: Anit tank mines- on troops only.

            Originally posted by steel_x
            Anit tank mines- on troops only. Possible the worst thing ever! Does dice/Ea have any plans to change this?
            How's that the worse thing ever? AT mines don't hurt you unless you're in a vehicle...are you thinking of claymores?


            • #7
              Re: Anit tank mines- on troops only.

              At mines are great. When I am on China on Wake, I always place them around the airfield flag, before I get in the Chopper.

              If you are not reffereing to AT mines, I apoligize


              • #8
                Re: Anit tank mines- on troops only.

                He is refering to the fact that at the moment Infantry Only maps have AT Mines for the engineer kit. A thing that is totaly useless for the team and the engineer because there are no vehicles to use them on.
                Anti Tank kit should be not allowed on these maps either.


                • #9
                  Re: Anit tank mines- on troops only.

                  Originally posted by troybob
                  claymores for people who actually play BF2 (and look for these)
                  oh he's talkin about AT mines. yes. they are stupid. Shotguns......are not


                  • #10
                    Re: Anit tank mines- on troops only.

                    Originally posted by troybob
                    oh he's talkin about AT mines. yes. they are stupid. Shotguns......are not
                    compared to a kit with healing, revive, grenades, and carbines suitable for close-in and medium-to-longish range...

                    umm, yeah. shotguns are pretty useless in IO. although I do enjoy camping a corner (or set mines) and waiting for an apc (or lightly armed medic and his squad) to pop by when i'm playing AT/Engi on one of the few remaining vehicle servers.

                    the shottys are awesome when the other team must defence against armor and infantry. in IO medics/support usually come out on top of a round.

                    as long as you're having fun though! i'm down to ~.10 cph on BF2.


                    • #11
                      Re: Anit tank mines- on troops only.

                      correct move from DICEs behalf is to make AT mines damage players when dropped from a rooftop, complete with a loud "clunk"-sound on a headshot


                      • #12
                        Re: Anit tank mines- on troops only.

                        i have no interest in this thread, ive just spent the last 10 minutes watcing megawhompertoo's avatar wating for a rocket to come out of no where and blow its head through its ***. but alass, twould appear there are some less evil people in the world...


                        • #13
                          Re: Anit tank mines- on troops only.

                          it6s not that big of a deal to me


                          • #14
                            Re: Anit tank mines- on troops only.

                            this doesnt exactly affect the game at all. your basically asking for something to be fixed, that doesnt need it when there are worse things that do. it may be pointless them being there, but get over it.

                            Oh, btw what exactly is the cph for?


                            • #15
                              Re: Anit tank mines- on troops only.

                              Originally posted by ham_411
                              this doesnt exactly affect the game at all. your basically asking for something to be fixed, that doesnt need it when there are worse things that do. it may be pointless them being there, but get over it.

                              Oh, btw what exactly is the cph for?
                              cph = cents per hour, or the actual entertainment value you've gotten out of your game, based on the (now dated assumption) that you spent $50.00 on the game. you're supposed to compare it to the money you might have spent on a movie ($10/2h, or 500 cents per hour) and realize what a great deal you've gotten.

                              except for those of us who bought $300 graphics card to make BF2 not look like powerpoint.

                              that changes the calculation.

