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Horrible loading times help needed.

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  • Horrible loading times help needed.

    Hey guys, Stumbled across this site and I thought surely someone here can help!

    Well basically my problem is loading times.. everything is all smooth until it reaches geometries then it freezes for ages. Thing is this never used to do it atall. I've tried turning settings down and everything even on medium settings im still getting 5 minute loading times which is the same as on high.
    Before however it used to take afew seconds I don't see what could have caused this.

    My system is: (I know I'll be asked this)

    Intel Viiv 2.8ghz Dual core cpu
    2gb RAM
    Nvidia 7900gs 256mb gfx card
    256gb HDD which is nowhere near full

    If anyone could help atall this would be great!

    Thanks in advance,

    #Edit: I forgot to mention I am only having problems like this with bf2, and bf2142. All other games load incredibly fast, even oblivion on max settings takes less than 30 seconds to load stuff :/

  • #2
    Re: Horrible loading times help needed.

    Defrag your hard drive. Do a search for common loading time problems, there are loads of threads.


    • #3
      Re: Horrible loading times help needed.

      Thanks, I defrag every few days. I'll do a search for that other thing though


      • #4
        Re: Horrible loading times help needed.

        C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\My Documents\Battlefield 2

        You should have a folder approximately there, it will have all sorts of stuff in it to do with your player settings. Sometimes it can go all squiffy and you need to delete the entire "Battlefield 2" folder.

        When you next start the game, you will have to "retrieve account" and then tick "username" and stick your username and password in. Then it will log you in and the next time you try to play a game the shaders will get played around with (can be a long time) and then once you've got in game, from then on the game should potentially load up faster.

        You will have to go through the usual options settings before starting a game, change network from "T1" to "256k", redo all your audio settings (untick EAX if you don't have the hardware) and set your graphics settings up (one clean group of settings should result in anew clean Battlefield 2 folder with the best chance of loading up fast and smooth in future)


        • #5
          Re: Horrible loading times help needed.

          Thank you very much! I'll do that as soon as special forces has finished downloading again (did a reinstall to see if it would help...unfortunately not) I will report back and let you know if it has worked!


          • #6
            Re: Horrible loading times help needed.

            If your hard drives are SATA, make sure the controller is working DMA or Ultra DMA and not PIO. This will speed things up and is available in the Verifying Client sticky in either the support section or the BF2 Tips and Tricks section I believe.

