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Video Card Help!!!

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  • Video Card Help!!!

    After taking a look at Tom's Hardware's Guide, and other information, I now face a delima on the PCI Express front.
    I'm stuck between these two cards:



    They both have dual DVI, and they both cost about the same, but the Nvidia has twice the ram, but the ATI has much better clock speeds. I've heard from multiple sources that the ATI card would be much better to go with due to its clock speeds, but I've also heard that if you running the kind of resolutions that I am (1600 x 900), then you often need that extra RAM. I need those resolutions due to my LCD Wide screen I now have. Also, the Nvidia one is a BFG, which me and many others I know are fanboys of, due to those amazing warranties.

    Any ideas?

    Also, I would like to state that their is no rush. I've gone over it, and I really don't need a new card for a few months until a new game comes out, so I can wait for price drops.

  • #2
    Re: Video Card Help!!!

    well mate go with the 7950 GT because i have a 7900 GS and i get 110 FPS in bf2


    • #3
      Re: Video Card Help!!!

      BF2 has better luck with NVidia. Also, clockspeed is indeed nice, but solid ram space with only a hair slower speed is still the way to go.

      Opinion only,



      • #4
        Re: Video Card Help!!!

        yeah nvidia never let me down..even with my old 6200..i have had two ATI cards die on me...Nvidia FTW!!!!!


        • #5
          Re: Video Card Help!!!

          I'm saving up for the x1950xt, myself. The opposite of one of the other posters, I've had a 9600, 9600xt, and x800xt and they all worked until I stopped using them (the 9600xt died on my little brother, but in all fairness the computer's guts were COVERED in dog hair). I slapped an alternative cooler and recycled some ramsinks to install on the x800xt and upped the clocks to a stable 552/1164mhz from 500/1000mhz, which is a better than 10% increase across the board. That doesn't happen with mfg's who troll the bottom of the bargain-bin barrel to get a product out the door.

          I got cross with nVidia after a geforce 2mx bit the dust on me. And, looking back, I seem to hold irrational grudges against components. Blame the human condition?

          Oh, and since there's no rush, you might consider waiting on DX10 to go mainstream, and then get a feel for how much longer DX9 cards are going to be supported in games because:

          a) the price on top-end DX9 cards like you're looking at might come down dramatically or

          b) you might find a dx10 compatible card with similar clocks for the same price as you're looking at dropping on this one, or

          c) in another eight-to-ten months, your new favorite game might say "DX10 compatible video card" under the system requirements.


          • #6
            Re: Video Card Help!!!

            What about this ATI card:
            We’re sorry, but this page does not existing. Please visit our home page for more information.

            Still faster than the 7800, AND it has the 512 RAM


            • #7
              Re: Video Card Help!!!

              No, thats worse than the X1950XT

              I would go with megawhompertoo's suggestion and just save up the money to buy a 8800GTS, it will be well worth it.

              What are your current comp specs?


              • #8
                Re: Video Card Help!!!

                Once down the dark path you travel, forever shall it control your destiny. Stay on the path of the Nvidia light


                • #9
                  Re: Video Card Help!!!


                  At the moment I have a AMD 64 3700+
                  2 Gigs of RAM
                  and a BFG Geforce 6800 GT

                  I was able to run Battlefield on High on this bad boy, but when I upped the resolution thanks to the new monitor, the major particle seens (explosions,artillery, etc.) killed my FPS. If its doing this in a 1y+ old game, I'm worried about in Quake Wars and other games I'm looking forward too.

                  The idea of saving for the 8800 is looking nice though. Ive got about two hundred now, and I can start making more once school starts up again. That combined with price drops could make it an interesting idea.


                  • #10
                    Re: Video Card Help!!!

                    With a small adjustment in the 7950's clock speed, you can get better frames than the 1950XT. Just a lil info.

                    Although, I have a 7950GT (XFX) eXtreme Edition and am having many many problems with BF2. Every other game looks fine, though.

