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Problem With Some Maps

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  • Problem With Some Maps

    I have a problem with most of the maps, it seems that everytime i play a bigger map such as Dalian Plant, Zatar Waters etc after a while my computer freeze's and a blue screen pops up as if something fried in my pc but I restart it and everythings fine. I can play city maps for hours like Sharqi or Karkand and nothing happens but if I play the different ones sometimes I can get through an entire round but in the next one it always does the same.

    Is it my graphics card causing it?? I have a Radeon x800xl 256Mb and my graphic settings are set to medium, only resolution is 1280x1024(i tried lower and same thing)

    ps patches didnt fix it either

    Thx THCViruS69

  • #2
    Re: Problem With Some Maps

    Try updating the drivers for the card. Also, try dumping your video cache and seeing if the reoptimizing cleans it up.


    • #3
      Re: Problem With Some Maps

      ok, how do i do that?


      • #4
        Re: Problem With Some Maps

        For the card, go to or wherever you are comfortable.

        For the graphics cache,
        Try cleaning out your shaders and cache, to do this, go to C:\Documents and Settings\username*\My Documents\Battlefield 2\mods\bf2 and delete the shaders,
        next go to C:\Documents and Settings\username*\My Documents\Battlefield 2\LogoCache and delete the cache.
        Try Battlefield 2 again to see if it is better, if not, move your battlefield 2 folder from my documents to your desktop, this put the game onto default settings, as well as cleaning out its cache and shaders again.
        btw, welcome to the forums,



        • #5
          Re: Problem With Some Maps

          thanks man see u on the field if it didnt work ill def post it


          • #6
            Re: Problem With Some Maps

            Post either way so others can benefit from the solution.


            • #7
              Re: Problem With Some Maps

              Ok so i did what u said and so far so good i played an entire round on Zatar then part on Fushee until my ping got really high and i got kicked so thanks man if anything i'll post it

