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Playing altered maps in coop...?

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  • Playing altered maps in coop...?

    Me and a friend plays BF2 every now and then. We only play coop (you know.. one starts a single player and the other joins on IP).

    Now we altered a few maps to suit our need better. Adding the SF guys with ropes to the Kaarkand map and such.

    The problem is that even if we use the exakt same altered
    version of the original maps, the one that tries to join gets
    kicked out because he has "modified content". How do I
    turn that off? I don't want the game to check it.

    How can we modify maps and still play them in coop
    without the game complaining?

    Kind regards.

  • #2
    Re: Playing altered maps in coop...?

    try to delete the .md5 files in the map folder? Make sure you backup before you do

