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Upgrading guns, what is going on?

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  • Upgrading guns, what is going on?

    I first bought the game in august of last year, my global score is around 11k and I didn't have special forces installed.

    My friend then bought the BF2/Special forces combo pack and installed it, when he gets promoted he gets 2 kit unlocks.

    So when I bought special forces I got it installed, logged in and it didn't "retro upgrade" if you will (which doesn't surprise me) but since I need 20K to get another promotion for one of the special forces guns I decided to start a new character. I assumed that since my friend has both installed and gets two kit upgrades per promotion I would get this also, but I just hit 500 and I still only get one per upgrade.

    Can someone help me out?! I'm ready to punch this game in the face! :hmm:

  • #2
    Re: Upgrading guns, what is going on?

    u need to play a couple of rounds on SF on ranked SF servers before like the EA ac**** server recognizes that u own SF and gives u the two unlocks. the good thing is u still get the SF unlocks w/o getting promoted. example being, i didnt special forces until i was around 12,000 points in, and i still had 8000 points till promotin. after a couple rounds in SF, i got my unlocks automatically while still having like 12,000 points


    • #3
      Re: Upgrading guns, what is going on?

      Awesome, so it will "retro" upgrade my character that has 11K points? This is the best news of the day!

