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Noob unlock question

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  • Noob unlock question

    I bought BF2: Deluxe Edition two weeks ago. It comes with the SF expansion.

    Now for my question. I have 1700 global points and I have earned two unlocks. I was looking at the Rising Stars stat page and saw a guy with only 1650 points and FOUR unlocks. How is that possible? I read some posts saying that with SF you get twice the unlocks at unlock ranks, but why have i only gotten 2? I play the game with the standard BF2 client most of the time not the BF2:SF client.

    can you please help me?

  • #2
    Re: Noob unlock question

    If you play a round of Special Forces, earning at least one point, you should get two unlocks.


    • #3
      Re: Noob unlock question

      is it gonna be right away? u dont have to wait for rank up?


      • #4
        Re: Noob unlock question

        No, you should receive them instantly.


        • #5
          Re: Noob unlock question

          I played a couple rounds of SF(long enough to get a few SF basic badges) and I didnt get my extra unlocks.


          • #6
            Re: Noob unlock question

            Originally posted by DeadlyGrimace
            I played a couple rounds of SF(long enough to get a few SF basic badges) and I didnt get my extra unlocks.
            My only advice is to try again, log in and out of BF2 a couple of times and see what happens. You could also check to see if it has actually recorded your SF sessions.


            • #7
              Re: Noob unlock question

              You have to play anywhere from a few minutes to a couple of rounds then you will get one unlock per one youve already recieved. Also, you will now get two per future rank.

              On a weekend it can take time for all this to register with the stat servers. Be patient.


