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New BF2 player here with a couple questions

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  • New BF2 player here with a couple questions

    Just started playing and I have a couple noob questions as I haven't played much of these multiplayer games before.

    1. I have been playing on the servers that show up when I fire up my game. Are these all the public servers there are? There seems to be only 5 or 6 and they usually are on the same maps, at least when I play they seem to be.

    2. Anti tank is my preferred kit but I notice that sometimes one volley takes out the vehicle and sometimes it takes two. Are there certain areas that I should be aiming for or does it not matter?

    3. To unlock new weapons and stuff do I need to just play ranked games or do I need to play through single player or what?

    Thanks ahead of time for the info.

  • #2
    Re: New BF2 player here with a couple questions

    1. Download the newest patch.

    GamersHell is the ultimate destination for gaming news, reviews, previews, videos and more.

    2. The tank may be previouisly damaged. Here is a useful picture which illustrates the weakest parts of the tanks.

    (Click on the 'Tanks' icon on the left"

    3. You must play on ranked servers. Once you have accumulated enough points, you will rank up and gain the ability on unlock weapons. Not every rank up grants you an unlock though.

    Hope that helps.

    Welcome to the community .


    • #3
      Re: New BF2 player here with a couple questions

      yeah make sure to download the newest patch cuz there are like no servers still using the 1.0 patch. and then on ur internet filters, make sure that u check "ranked servers" so the servers u play on are ranked.


      • #4
        Re: New BF2 player here with a couple questions

        So what about the servers X-Fire pulls up, are all those public? Or are they clans servers?


        • #5
          Re: New BF2 player here with a couple questions

          all questions pretty thouroghly answered, but for the tank question it is possible to get a 1 shot kill by hitting a spot in the front by getting rocket to bounce off tracks and "rehit" the tank, but its really hard, just aim for the tracks.


          • #6
            Re: New BF2 player here with a couple questions

            There are some excellent videos on tank and helo shots when you are AT. Google Video search for battlefield2 or bf2.


            • #7
              Re: New BF2 player here with a couple questions

              whether you use xfire or the internal browser or anything else, just make sure theres a check mark or tick in the box that says 'ranked'.

              Doesnt matter if they are clan servers or gsp ran pubs, if they are ranked and not pw locked, then they are open house to play on.

