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weird freezing whenever a map starts

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  • weird freezing whenever a map starts

    Hi, I've had BF2 for about a year and it has worked fine (for the most part) until now all of a sudden, without any hardware or software changes at all, the game semi-freezes whenever a map is finished loading and i see the menu. The mouse just refuses to move (being stuck in the center of the screen), but *behind* the screen the battle rages and i see and hear people playing just fine. I tried restarting, but it didn't help, anyone have any ideas to help??

  • #2
    Re: weird freezing whenever a map starts

    Defrag and do a general check for newer drivers on your vid and sound cards. If you haven't defragged in all that time, it will do you a world of good. At the same time, you may want to purge your video cache and let it re-optimize all of that.



    • #3
      Re: weird freezing whenever a map starts

      ugh, it didn't work. i tried reinstalling the game and that didn't even work! so now I dont know. actually it all started after the game hard froze (had to restart the comp). when i tried to play again i got this problem. anyone other ideas?


      • #4
        Re: weird freezing whenever a map starts

        a complete uninstall first and then reinstall to insure any corrupted files are gone.

        EA uninstall writeup


        • #5
          Re: weird freezing whenever a map starts

          so ur mouse is stuck?

          try resetting ur controls in options to default again


          • #6
            Re: weird freezing whenever a map starts

            Ok, I went to the help page at for battlefield 2 and it turns out that when I deleted the battlefield 2 file in My Documents it fixed my problem (just had to set all the video options again). Thanks everyone for your help though, cheers.

