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Beware the X3D Clan ever invade your server!

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  • Beware the X3D Clan ever invade your server!

    If you are a member of a clan or community, or an admin in one, watch out for these little losers... About 7 of them invaded our server, racial and ethnic slurs, completely disrupting our full server... Ofcourse it was late at night, and none of my members were on but, I just got through reading the server logs on one of my servers, and it's disturbing. I went to try and ask about them at the X3D clan website, basically gave me some derogatory remark and deleted the post..

  • #2
    Re: Beware the X3D Clan ever invade your server!

    Killing ******* clans has never been a problem for me, killed 5 clannies that were doing the same thing on a server the other night, they hunted me down, all 5 of em, over and over yet I still killed em everytime. After whining about me "Haxoring" they left the server. Case closed.


    • #3
      Re: Beware the X3D Clan ever invade your server!

      why did you double post your thread? since there probly both getting moved locked or delet'd


      • #4
        Re: Beware the X3D Clan ever invade your server!

        Whenever a large group of players tries to rage a server I admin, I don't give them the "standard" ban messages (like.. "You are being banned for baseraping. Please read rule 4"). I do something like "Oh **** wrong button =)" and the like. I enjoy banning people who deserve it, so all ragers PLEASE come to my server!


        • #5
          Re: Beware the X3D Clan ever invade your server!

          I didn't realise i doubleposted.. The MODs must have deleted the double post... No, it wasn't gameplay where the problem was, it was them basically coming to our server with the soul intent of disrupting the game with their filthy tirades..


          • #6
            Re: Beware the X3D Clan ever invade your server!

            Wow, it is crazy that you mentioned these guys, they came into a server I was in the other day, about 7-8 of them. I was on a side that had 6 BFS members (there server) and they asked to all be on the other side, so an admin switched them to be together. In short, it was a blast. I was squadded up with RacerX79, and frowg, two great players. We went head to head with an entire squad of them, and we took them out, but it was a real neck and neck battle. All in all, as long as they dont spam bad messages, they can be great fun to play with.

            Not saying you are wrong, it might have been different clan member's, or who knows, the same ones just not being smacktard's, but it was awesome to play with them that day.


            • #7
              Re: Beware the X3D Clan ever invade your server!

              Their whole clan is banned from each and everyone of our 6 servers... I went to the X3D website forums, to let the leadership know that these guys were going around doing this, and alls i got was a "So what" smacktard answer, the post deleted, and my registration banned at their forums...

              Not what i would have expected from leadership, as i too have had a B1 member doing something on someone elses server making us look bad, and took proper action. In short, im glad you had a good time with them, but X3D are Ultra Smacktards, and ultimately banned from all of our servers.


              • #8
                Re: Beware the X3D Clan ever invade your server!

                Originally posted by STEELHED
                Their whole clan is banned from each and everyone of our 6 servers... I went to the X3D website forums, to let the leadership know that these guys were going around doing this, and alls i got was a "So what" smacktard answer, the post deleted, and my registration banned at their forums... Not what i would have expected from leadership
                Just my $.02:

                I was an admin with CAL for a pretty long time (not bf2, though), formerly CAL-Main in 1.6, and had the misfortune of seeing quite a few immature assholes like that in both positions. Some kiddies or groups of kiddies are just like that and not worth any more of your time than it takes to ban them and be done with it.

