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Good thing

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  • #46
    Re: Good thing

    Originally posted by Rhyz
    that fat chicks your grandmother BIATCH, and iff i was in a war i would be FUKIN l33t and pwn you all BITCHES!!! you would end up shooting your mum in the face and ur dad in the p3na1 r3g1oN
    Is this kid for real or is this some kind of brilliant satire?

    If you were in a war you'd piss yourself, and probably poo yourself too.

    Also, why do you type with numbers? Is there something mentally wrong with you? What in Christ is a 'f£g'? Like a fig leaf? If you followed your l33t dolt bible closely you'd know full well it was spelt 'f4g'.


    • #47
      Re: Good thing

      Why has this not been closed yet?


      • #48
        Re: Good thing

        because he's cute


        • #49
          Re: Good thing

          :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: this thread is still open. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
          "Crunch's First Officer"
          twitter: @signaprime


          • #50
            Re: Good thing

            i think its the title, it doesn't seem offensive - has anyone pm'd a mod?


            • #51
              Re: Good thing

              Ok, it is clear from all the feedback the moderation team has been getting from this thread that its time is now up.

              We understand you guys want to have a discussion, and that's why this stayed open as long as it did.

              Please understand that the moderation team is out to make the forums good for every member. We want you guys to be able to feel like you can have a discussion without being shot down by a moderator. When we feel like the constructive discussion has reached its end, and begins to turn into just a bunch of people yelling at each other, we try to catch it and lock it.

              So, with that said - this thread is now locked.

              On a closing note - We (the moderators) are not blind, we have been watching this post the best we could. To expand on that, Rhyz and Zahir-Hussein: both of you have caught the eye of the moderation team, consider this a warning - you will be watched in the future.

