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funny bug(video)

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  • funny bug(video)

    recorded it yesterday, its kinda funny

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  • #2
    Re: funny bug(video)

    i dont get it ..i missed it i guess lol


    • #3
      Re: funny bug(video)

      Erm, wtf?



      • #4
        Re: funny bug(video)

        Omg you guys are slow, his own USMC team is talking Iraqi or whatever it is.


        • #5
          Re: funny bug(video)

          Originally posted by SuperTrooper
          Omg you guys are slow, his own USMC team is talking Iraqi or whatever it is.
          yea, how can you people not notice that :|:


          • #6
            Re: funny bug(video)

            I just want to know how do you use the comm rose so fast, do you have that key binded or something, is it a macro?? I usually have to hit the comm rose button then move the mouse around a bit to find the one I want and if I do it too fast then I mught hit wrong request LOL


            • #7
              Re: funny bug(video)

              Originally posted by *BS*Gun Slinger
              I just want to know how do you use the comm rose so fast, do you have that key binded or something, is it a macro?? I usually have to hit the comm rose button then move the mouse around a bit to find the one I want and if I do it too fast then I mught hit wrong request LOL
              lol I use it alot, im used to it, I find most voice commands funny so i just spam sometimes


              • #8
                Re: funny bug(video)

                ahh took me 4 or 5 attempts, there talking MEC or PLA, you can do the same when on PLA or MEC, change your voice coms to english, then PLA and MEC will both talk american aswell as USMC


                • #9
                  Re: funny bug(video)

                  Originally posted by =PSU=PJMAK1
                  so i just spam sometimes
                  Like "enemy boat spotted" on DMOC


                  • #10
                    Re: funny bug(video)

                    Does that happen often? When ever I played, I had my sound settings to the lowest, so I could never hear it.


                    • #11
                      Re: funny bug(video)

                      I dont notice anything in the last, im also fast with the commo rose but not that fast lol.


                      • #12
                        Re: funny bug(video)

                        Originally posted by =PSU=PJMAK1
                        lol I use it alot, im used to it, I find most voice commands funny so i just spam sometimes
                        I'm that fast with my comm rose, too: Admit I sometimes spam too...

                        I've seen that bug too. But it's really cool though, makes you feel like you're on the other team.


                        • #13
                          Re: funny bug(video)

                          i seen that bug.....from the computer im on now, looked like he had the medic icon over his head too...cant tell tho

                          ive also seen alot lately, dno what it is...but ppl dying in slow motion....funny **** as hell to watch


                          • #14
                            Re: funny bug(video)

                            Originally posted by TheChab
                            Like "enemy boat spotted" on DMOC

                            I only had the bug once before and it was while I was mec, I revived a guy and he said "thanks champ".................rofl

                            but this time my team mates were running down the hill and throwing ammo, alot ofem were speaking mec language lol, by the time I minimized to get fraps on they were gone, btw the weird thing in the second clip is that one of the two boats in the background is driving really fast, hes driving on his tail


                            • #15
                              Re: funny bug(video)

                              Originally posted by =PSU=PJMAK1
                              btw the weird thing in the second clip is that one of the two boats in the background is driving really fast, hes driving on his tail
                              another glitch, I see it used on Krackhouse server all the time, take the boat at arty island, do a loop around and head towards South Base, hit the old plane that sticks out of the water near the island straight on, if you stay on the gas too hard you'll flip right over, if you do it just right the nose of the boat will be straight up in the air and you'll have instant speed boat, Ive only gotten it to work a few times as I usually end up on my lid, then swimming back to get another boat

