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Lag for first 5 mins?

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  • Lag for first 5 mins?

    Hi, ive been having a problem with BF2 whereby when i join a server, for the first 5 minutes the game is hugely laggy, getting something like 15fps. However, after that it runs ultra smooth roughly 60fps. It has only just started in the last few days even though i havent changed anything
    My current specs are: XP, P4HT 3ghz, 1gig DDR2, 7600gtoc, sba2, 2mb Broadband
    and im playing at all high graphics bar lighting and shadows which are medium.
    Im running the latest Forceware and patch 1.4.

    Any ideas?

  • #2
    Re: Lag for first 5 mins?

    this is an interesting case. have you tried messin around with the settings to see if it reduces any lag?


    • #3
      Re: Lag for first 5 mins?

      yea, when i turn down the graphics its ok again.

      I just asked a friend and they said it could be that the processor (P4HT 3ghz) is having trouble drawing the construction lines (Like a mesh that makes up the shape of an object(I didnt understand)), and that to play on high i need a better processor.

      (BTW, I need an excuse to get a new Core Duo...:laugh: )


      • #4
        Re: Lag for first 5 mins?

        getting more RAM will help the problem


        • #5
          Re: Lag for first 5 mins?

          yeah u need at least 1.5 or 2 gigs of ram to run all high ..the processor is a little old, but that shouldnt matter. The first few minutes of lagginess, is ur harddrive working hard? its prob organizing its pagefile and putting its windows program and other bground programs onto ur pagefile and putting the bf2 stuff on the ram, so thats why its all stuttery

          some tweaks can be changing ur agp aperture size where it allocates more ram for ur graphics card and disabling some useless services that take up ram


          • #6
            Re: Lag for first 5 mins?

            Your cpu is fine, lower the terrain textures to medium or low. If that fixes the problem well you need more memory to run on high.


            • #7
              Re: Lag for first 5 mins?

              Sorry i didn't reply earlier, the Internet went down!

              Ok, i can get more RAM.... but i can only afford 1 gig.

              At the mo i am running Samsung DDRII crapram. Is it better to get rid of that and buy a gig of good quality RAM or is it better to keep it and buy some compatible stuff of Crucial that may not be of such good quality?

              So basically, quality or quantity?


              • #8
                Re: Lag for first 5 mins?

                from my experience, quantity would beat quality by a tiny bit unless the quality is really pure crap

                can u see if u can get ur ram in dual channel mode (it like makes the ram goes twice as fast)


                • #9
                  Re: Lag for first 5 mins?

                  I think it already is..... :hmm:

                  I presumed all DDRII is dual channel and i have two sticks of 512mb in DIMM 1 & 3. So it should be right?

                  I looked at the corsair website and it told me that i could get some Corsair Ballistics that would be compatible with my previous Samsung RAM. I presume Ballistics is quite good and i was thinking i could buy a gig of that now to run in my comp along with the Samsung and when i have enough money, by another gig of it and chuck the old stuff away.

                  Good idea?


                  • #10
                    Re: Lag for first 5 mins?

                    Originally posted by alex98uk
                    I presumed all DDRII is dual channel and i have two sticks of 512mb in DIMM 1 & 3. So it should be right?
                    Get 'cpu-z' or just enter bios setup and you should see it there. A ddr2 don't automatically run in dual channel. If they are not matched or installed in the same channel, they will add up but run in single channel.

                    Before I had 1gig single channel ram and I would severely stutter in the first few minutes, if I set texture to medium, it solves the problem. Now, I switched ram to dual channel operation(can't believe myself I'm running in single channel for two years, didn't know it and didn't know my matched sticks could do dual..) And I could now play high textures without lag.


                    • #11
                      Re: Lag for first 5 mins?

                      definately more RAM... I have only 1GB but everything else is good... I definately need another 1GB... Keep in mind, much like its creator DICE/EA, BF2 prefers quantity over quality any day


                      • #12
                        Re: Lag for first 5 mins?

                        I had 1 GB earlier. It ran the game but with roughly 8 minutes of lag at the beginning of each map. Since, I have upgraded to 1.5GB's and now 2GB's. At this point, I get about a 2 second lag spike at the beginning of the map (guessing for loading textures to the video card) and beyond that, it is liquid smooth.

