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Texture flicker on weapons ? Geometry problem ?

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  • Texture flicker on weapons ? Geometry problem ?

    I'm having strange texture problems in Battlefield 2 right now. They weren't in place when last I played (which was about 6 months ago), but upon reinstalling and patching a few days ago, I noticed that some polygons had the textures under them showing through in a flickering way. Particularly noticable on the USMC hand grenade. Another problem was with the Chinese SMG (part of the Antitank Kit). Occasionally, upon bringing up the sights, the entire screen would be black. Lowering the sights again would restore the from-the-hip HUD, but until respawning, the aiming HUD wouldn't be usable because of the black screen.

    To verify this, I've completely uninstalled my ATI drivers, rebooted, reinstalled, rebooted, installed the game, rebooted.

    After doing this, but without installing the expansion or patching, I tried running the game. Everything was A-Okay. Textures were just right. SMG was fine too.

    So, I proceed to install the expansion, which installs the 1.1 patch in the process. I then go ahead and launch the original game again, and load into the same map as before (single player, Dragon's whatever it's called). Sniper rifle is glitching like it was before, and so was the grenade. I didn't check the Chinese SMG because I was pretty pissed, but I did take some screen caps, which I'll post now:

    if you look closely at the top of the grenade in those pictures, you can distinctly see the green parts coming through the (I think it's called a) spoon on top. This is not the way the game behaves unpatched.

    What is going on with this ? Why does patching the game break the textures ? Everything worked just fine not 10 minutes before. No other games I play (Doom3, HL2, Quake4) have any problems like this at all. This flickering drives me so crazy that I can't really play the game. I keep getting distracted.

    I have tried deleting the shaders and letting them optimize again a few times. I've tried this both with and without Antialiasing. Like I said, in the original 1.X release that came out on the launch CD, the game works perfectly. As of the patch from SF, broken. After 1.4, broken. I've gone back and tried each possible combination of installations and anything other than the original unpatched game has this problem.

    Hardware in question:
    ATI Radeon X1800 GTO (256 mb) X16, Catalyst 6.8
    AMD Athlon 64 3700+
    2GB DDR PC3200

    I've tried uninstalling the game again, and reinstalling using a friend's copy of the Deluxe CDs. I tested, same problem. I then installed EF and AF, and patched. I haven't tried it again, but I'm getting the feeling that it isn't BF2's fault at this point. That or, I've stumbled upon a serious graphics bug that will hopefully be fixed in the next patch.

    Anyone have any insight ?

    EDIT: Click here to watch Battlefield-2-graphical-Error This is the FRAPS recording I made, trying to show the error in question. Guys, I really need help with this.

  • #2
    Re: Texture flicker on weapons ? Geometry problem ?

    Ye i'm getting this problem too on my 6600GT, didn't happen before the 1.41 patch, only after. FOr me it seems realy noticable on the grenade like you said and on the m16. In game, it seems to appear, and in other parts of the map it will go away. For example, i could be standing on top of an aircraft carrier, and it will appear, and then when i got into the aircraft carier, the problem goes away. Maybe it has something to do with lighting?

    If anyone knows how to fix it, tha6t would be great, as its really starting to get irritating!


    • #3
      Re: Texture flicker on weapons ? Geometry problem ?

      its an ATI bug all my old ATI cards did that, but my Nvidia cards dont do that anymore

