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They n3rfed the APC!!

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  • They n3rfed the APC!!

    The APC's ability to turn in the water has been reduced big time!! The turning has been made sooo (edit: loose)!!! OR is this just me?

    I tested this in Operation Cleansweep (hate that map btw), one, the speed of the APC in water has been reduced (a bit) and two, the turning circle!!!!

    ANy thoughts?

  • #2
    Re: They n3rfed the APC!!

    Wouldn't the turning becoming "tight" be a good thing?


    • #3
      Re: They n3rfed the APC!!

      Originally posted by Graphic
      Wouldn't the turning becoming "tight" be a good thing?
      what i meant was that i had to hold down d or a with the forward button, it usually used to take 2-3 seconds, now it seems ages!

      Srry, i see what u mean, editted!


      • #4
        Re: They n3rfed the APC!!

        Whats with all these changes never mentioned in the Patch 1.4 GamePlay Tweakes.

        First J10 Gun, now this? WTF EA?


        • #5
          Re: They n3rfed the APC!!

          Originally posted by aLi3nZ
          Whats with all these changes never mentioned in the Patch 1.4 GamePlay Tweakes.

          First J10 Gun, now this? WTF EA?
          Yeah no add to that list all of the AA weapons have been made more accurate but slightly weaker without us hearing a peep from DICE/EA.


          • #6
            Re: They n3rfed the APC!!

            Maybe they are not to be mentioned, probably cos their 'fixes' would have spoilt the other things....

            We all know Dice well by now...


            • #7
              Re: They n3rfed the APC!!

              Originally posted by aLi3nZ
              Whats with all these changes never mentioned in the Patch 1.4 GamePlay Tweakes.

              First J10 Gun, now this? WTF EA?
              (Dice makes the patches but...)Seriously, they annouce maybe half the stuff they actually do, anything that might upset the public becuase they didn't ask for it they hide and hope no-one finds it. For example, I think the MEC attack chopper's main gun had it's splash damage way reduced(did that show up in the list of "fixes"? Nope.), while flying over the hotel it took ages to kill a single solider that was standing still(and don't give me that "lol u just sux with teh gun" crap), I had the cursor right on him aswell.

              Dice needs to get their act together, as of right now they're a bunch of incompetant monkeys piled up in one room bashin' their fist against keyboards, all while getting paid to do it.


              • #8
                Re: They n3rfed the APC!!

                Originally posted by Zaltehook
                (Dice makes the patches but...)Seriously, they annouce maybe half the stuff they actually do, anything that might upset the public becuase they didn't ask for it they hide and hope no-one finds it. For example, I think the MEC attack chopper's main gun had it's splash damage way reduced(did that show up in the list of "fixes"? Nope.), while flying over the hotel it took ages to kill a single solider that was standing still(and don't give me that "lol u just sux with teh gun" crap), I had the cursor right on him aswell.

                Dice needs to get their act together, as of right now they're a bunch of incompetant monkeys piled up in one room bashin' their fist against keyboards, all while getting paid to do it.

                If the mec choppers gun has been reduced, that's a damn good thing! Do you mean on the map like Sharqi? Damn, if it's true I'm happy! Less whoring :@


                • #9
                  Re: They n3rfed the APC!!

                  g00d for the infantry, not for the gunner.. (or pilot)


                  • #10
                    Re: They n3rfed the APC!!

                    Originally posted by daliup
                    If the mec choppers gun has been reduced, that's a damn good thing! Do you mean on the map like Sharqi? Damn, if it's true I'm happy! Less whoring :@
                    Yea I suppose that is a good thing, but Dice at least needs to tell people what they nerf. It ticks me off when I have to learn whats been nerf the hard way.


                    • #11
                      Re: They n3rfed the APC!!

                      Originally posted by vika09
                      The APC's ability to turn in the water has been reduced big time!! The turning has been made sooo (edit: loose)!!! OR is this just me?

                      I tested this in Operation Cleansweep (hate that map btw), one, the speed of the APC in water has been reduced (a bit) and two, the turning circle!!!!

                      ANy thoughts?
                      I disagree with you
                      on Karkand, I usually take the back way into the factory and sometimes had trouble getting the turn made to go up the boat ramps, just last night I was doing it with no trouble at all, in fact I even thought to myself, "DAM they musta tweeked the APC......ALRIGHT!!" same with Dragon Valley at the Temple, had no trouble at all driving around that little boat dock


                      • #12
                        Re: They n3rfed the APC!!

                        Originally posted by *BS*Gun Slinger
                        I disagree with you
                        on Karkand, I usually take the back way into the factory and sometimes had trouble getting the turn made to go up the boat ramps, just last night I was doing it with no trouble at all, in fact I even thought to myself, "DAM they musta tweeked the APC......ALRIGHT!!" same with Dragon Valley at the Temple, had no trouble at all driving around that little boat dock
                        Yeah, sometimes that happens, but try using the APC in water for a loooong time, like goin around the islands to the communication center, avoiding Mig machine guns is a pain in the a$$ now.

                        The ramp usually helps with turning, as along as any or most off the wheels touch something solid, the torque increases, try to get inline away from the ramp (which might force u outside the boundary, but just try!

                        I am pretty sure they nerfed it, i may be rong...


                        • #13
                          Re: They n3rfed the APC!!

                          Originally posted by daliup
                          If the mec choppers gun has been reduced, that's a damn good thing! Do you mean on the map like Sharqi? Damn, if it's true I'm happy! Less whoring :@
                          I hear that.

                          They wanna kill me with splash, but I nail the bastard with an AT missle and the helo keeps flying? Oh, hell no.

                          thanks dice. love the mod. :rock:

