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Invert Mouse on TV Missle screen?

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  • Invert Mouse on TV Missle screen?

    I just realized that although I have invert mouse set on every option in the game, to aim the TV missle I need to aim normally, up up, down down. This is quite confusing after using the MG on invert. Is there a way that I can invert the TV missle aiming? Thanks

  • #2
    Re: Invert Mouse on TV Missle screen?

    Is it really that confusing?

    I don't think its any more confusing then having mounted MGs be the opposite setting of whatever your mouse is set to.

    It's espescially unconfusing to me since it moves more like a cursor than a crosshair, and my cursor in windows is certainly uninverted. In the end, I think it uses the cursor system and thus can't be inverted at all.


    • #3
      Re: Invert Mouse on TV Missle screen?

      Yes, it is. Enough so to be a user option.


      • #4
        Re: Invert Mouse on TV Missle screen?

        I wish there was a way (I've used inverted for everything since quake 1) but there is not.

        You just have to get used to it man, sorry.



        • #5
          Re: Invert Mouse on TV Missle screen?

          I wish you could guide the missle with a kb.


          • #6
            Re: Invert Mouse on TV Missle screen?

            Originally posted by Hack Saw
            I wish you could guide the missle with a kb.
            You can.

            You can map mouse movement to the keyboard (search for mapping the cammo rose to the keyboard) and you can guide the TV missles that way.

            As for invert, maybe you could remap the mouse backwards and that would invert everything. Don't know if its really possible though.

