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Seems I found something no one has reported

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  • Seems I found something no one has reported

    I was in a server last night with my clan. We were just messing around on a near-empty jalalabeans map server.

    We noticed that very often, tanks show no firing when firing. IE....the tank will sit there, move back slightly....then the target tank will bump backwards a bit. In reality, the tank fired...which caused the rockback...and the target tank got hit...causing it to bump back slightly.

    Visually, no exploisions or tank shells were seen. The tanks simply appeared to move backwards.

    We shot 50 shells and we could only see about 20 of those shots. We all saw the same thing.

    I know invisible shots happened before...but I've never seen it so much since release of 1.4

  • #2
    Re: Seems I found something no one has reported

    Well, you've already posted this in the bugs, what now?


    • #3
      Re: Seems I found something no one has reported

      I see it alot. When im watching an armour battle or something you notice it more and more. Seems to happen when they are around Supply crates aswell.


      • #4
        Re: Seems I found something no one has reported

        That's an old bug. I can't count how many times I've been hit while driving a tank and not heard or seen anything. It's especially easy to miss getting hit if you're moving over rough terrain.


        • #5
          Re: Seems I found something no one has reported

          Originally posted by scknight
          Well, you've already posted this in the bugs, what now?
          That one is to report. This one is to discuss.


          • #6
            Re: Seems I found something no one has reported

            It's net code related, and it's not just tanks (I did see it with tanks though).
            I was tossing nades last night and about 1/3 would not display the arm-throwing (or airborne nade for that matter) animation.

            The only indication I had that it was even released was the kill message on my screen.


            • #7
              Re: Seems I found something no one has reported

              Originally posted by scknight
              Well, you've already posted this in the bugs, what now?


              • #8
                Re: Seems I found something no one has reported

                Originally posted by Second Gunman
                That's an old bug. I can't count how many times I've been hit while driving a tank and not heard or seen anything. It's especially easy to miss getting hit if you're moving over rough terrain.
                Aye, I know it's happened before...but it's happening a ton since patch. 30 out of 50 shots invisible?


                • #9
                  Re: Seems I found something no one has reported

                  I think it was happening even before 1.3!!!!!! Just not much talk about it ... not really a glitch. As far as I is happening with some speciffic video cards and some speciffic settings also :|:


                  • #10
                    Re: Seems I found something no one has reported

                    If that's the case...then why did all of my clan mates see the exact same problem?


                    • #11
                      Re: Seems I found something no one has reported

                      Originally posted by RpTheHotrod
                      If that's the case...then why did all of my clan mates see the exact same problem?
                      Why is the sky BLUE little buddy!?!?! :laugh: You really think someone here has any answers about the EA/DICE glitches and BUGS!?!? Tell me honest now, you found a glitch, it`s not a critical one, what DO YOU THINK WILL HAPPEN NEXT!?!?!?

                      This game has more , worst glitches, some not even fixed by 1.4, the red glitch is still around ... so ...


                      • #12
                        Re: Seems I found something no one has reported

                        Originally posted by bbfYoUGoTServeD
                        Why is the sky BLUE little buddy!?!?! :laugh: You really think someone here has any answers about the EA/DICE glitches and BUGS!?!? Tell me honest now, you found a glitch, it`s not a critical one, what DO YOU THINK WILL HAPPEN NEXT!?!?!?

                        This game has more , worst glitches, some not even fixed by 1.4, the red glitch is still around ... so ...
                        - Another attempt at fixing the Red/Blue nametag bug.

                        That one still makes me laugh.


                        • #13
                          Re: Seems I found something no one has reported

                          Originally posted by jsr
                          It's net code related, and it's not just tanks (I did see it with tanks though).
                          I was tossing nades last night and about 1/3 would not display the arm-throwing (or airborne nade for that matter) animation.

                          The only indication I had that it was even released was the kill message on my screen.
                          I regards to the nade, I something kooky last night. I was a sniper on Road to Jalalalbalabalalabad (I know shocker) and I saw several freindly troops suddenly fly in the air. There was no explosion, until... A second nade popped into view and exploded. I found it odd and saw the same thing a couple of times.

                          But stil no CTD or Server crash.


                          • #14
                            Re: Seems I found something no one has reported

                            Originally posted by bbfYoUGoTServeD
                            Why is the sky BLUE little buddy!?!?! :laugh: You really think someone here has any answers about the EA/DICE glitches and BUGS!?!? Tell me honest now, you found a glitch, it`s not a critical one, what DO YOU THINK WILL HAPPEN NEXT!?!?!?

                            This game has more , worst glitches, some not even fixed by 1.4, the red glitch is still around ... so ...

                            don't you think that was a little harsh? he was statin the obvious. It would be a hella coincidence if everyone else that saw it had a prone video card wouldn't it? So that disproves your point about the video card. He's not whining about the bug like the rest of the community is about 1.4 He's just brining it to our attention.


                            • #15
                              Re: Seems I found something no one has reported

                              I noticed the nade thing on Kark recently and Jabliblablob yesterday, noticed the tank thing on POE2, never vanilla.

