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Infantry Only....Friend or Foe

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  • Infantry Only....Friend or Foe

    I just got off of two rounds of IO Jalalalalalalalabad and I love it. I will somewhat agree with a few of the people around here on the "heavy burden" so to speak that the US has at the beginning of the round. Key to it all, I've noticed, as US take your Lake uncap and run like hell to the closest eastern flag.

    A nice spot I found actually is playing as MEC at their western-most point on the .50 cal emplacement. I killed 17 people form that emplacement all while only recieving one death (plus the ground defense ribbon I should have had long ago) You can halt the US advances if they are silly enough to just keep running up the road trying to find cover in all of three rocks placed in the field between them.

    Of course there's going to be Nade-Spammers, Medic whores, and PKM proning around every corner, but is this something we aren't used to? If you haven't learned to deal with these pricks as of yet then maybe you need to find yourself another game. I on the other hand ENJOY medics being around every 15 feet....who doesn't, that class is there for a reason and with the unlocks you can get, it's quite an admirable foe.

    A couple guns that I found VERY useful is the ole trusty F2000, and the L851A. Both with a little scope to sniff out any intruders on the road or any choke points. Give them a burst of 3 starting at their chest with the L851A and the headshot will be the last thing they remember.

    I do wish however that the teams were given 2 jeeps per side. Just to make it a LITTLE believable. It would help people infiltrate the outer bases a bit more. But then again it wouldn't be Infantry only then now would it? : )

    Well my fingers are starting to fuse to this keyboard..... Any IO tactics anyone wants to share?


  • #2
    Re: Infantry Only....Friend or Foe

    g3 ftw
    It's a pure medic-shredder.
    And just about every other person you kill will be a medic so you won't have to worry about healing (kit swap and heal after you kill them).

    Same goes for ammo.
    The g3 has a small clip so it tends to run out of ammo fast, again, just swap kits from any of the large number of pkm guys you kill to re supply yourself.


    • #3
      Re: Infantry Only....Friend or Foe

      Ah yes, the trusty G3, great, accurate gun. I think the only thing that leads me away from using it more it the crappy iron sight and it's limited 20 round clip. Gotta try it out though.


      • #4
        Re: Infantry Only....Friend or Foe

        It's a beast, trust me.
        Once you get the "feel" for it (it does feel crappy at first) you will look at the all-mighty g36E as a glorified pellet gun.

        Just get into the habit of constantly re supplying/healing yourself off those you kill, and you will see why so many people say this is the most underrated gun in the game.


        • #5
          Re: Infantry Only....Friend or Foe

          I will stab you & your G3 in the neckbone without a second thought....

