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HJ Mod: by the WCC Clan, a coop mod

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  • HJ Mod: by the WCC Clan, a coop mod

    download site:

    They've made the 50cal sniper rifle 1 shot kill. Extra zoom on scopes, including sniper, spec ops, EU medics, assault. Anti-tank kit comes with p90, c4, shoulder anit-air and more rockets (sraw). SpecOps comes with c4 and a crossbow w/ explosive points. Most fighter jets have maverick missiles that automatically lockon. You're expected to join USMC and kill the bots on MEC/China. It's really fun being against 2 times as many enemy, and usually always win. You've never seen so many kills.

    the commanche has aa as well as hydras.

    from the wcc site with new toys to come in the 1.2 release:

  • #2
    Re: HJ Mod: by the WCC Clan, a coop mod

    Awesome, nice vehicles.


    • #3
      Re: HJ Mod: by the WCC Clan, a coop mod

      Yeah looks good. file size?


      • #4
        Re: HJ Mod: by the WCC Clan, a coop mod

        Awesome vehicles! Loving the helis


        • #5
          Re: HJ Mod: by the WCC Clan, a coop mod

          oh 310mb.. not bad ... although it requires 1.22. Is that the lowest patch version you have to run it under or will it only work on that?


          • #6
            Re: HJ Mod: by the WCC Clan, a coop mod

            i use it on 1.3, and i'm not sure about any others. they are glad to answer technical questions on their website.


            • #7
              Re: HJ Mod: by the WCC Clan, a coop mod

              Downloading it now, look brilliant.


              • #8
                Re: HJ Mod: by the WCC Clan, a coop mod

                Anyway to change the tickets so the sinlge player games last longer?


                • #9
                  Re: HJ Mod: by the WCC Clan, a coop mod

                  this might help:
                  secure online file sharing, enterprise cloud storage, mobile access, on-premises cloud, self-hosted cloud, endpoint backup, sync, drive, secure mobile access, mobile device management, online collaboration, collaboration tools, hipaa compliance, private dropbox alternative, owncloud alternative, ftp alternative, efss


                  • #10
                    Re: HJ Mod: by the WCC Clan, a coop mod

                    Originally posted by BabyRattler
                    Up to 255 bots? Holy crap.

                    This mod is awesome btw, the F35 rocks majorly.


                    • #11
                      Re: HJ Mod: by the WCC Clan, a coop mod

                      i was hoping someone would agree.


                      • #12
                        Re: HJ Mod: by the WCC Clan, a coop mod

                        That file only changes the bots not tickets, so the rounds last the same.

                        Im sure there is some way of changing the amount of tickets, 200 gets a bit boring and short on some maps.


                        • #13
                          Re: HJ Mod: by the WCC Clan, a coop mod

                          been plating this mod for some time,gave it a rest for a bit but now u got me hooked again

                          i see there's a patch for it aswell.

                          i use the wake map from this mod in with my custom coopmaps for my server,and it a treat,cap the air base as usmc and the f15 spawns(well 2)


                          • #14
                            Re: HJ Mod: by the WCC Clan, a coop mod

                            Why when i try and create a COOP server by "Create Local" does it CTD?


                            • #15
                              Re: HJ Mod: by the WCC Clan, a coop mod

                              I dunno honestly, last night I ran into problems connecting, with ctd's being consistent every load. I tried online, I tried creating a lan, and I tried single player. They all crapped out on me dropping to the desktop.

                              There have been talks of releasing their full 1.20 client, which they were waiting for the 1.4 release. *shakes fists vehemently at DICE*

                              It might have something to do with it... I hope. I'll keep you informed of anything I might learn from some of the WCC devs.

                              ps. That's the first time I've had trouble with the mod. If you can get past installation, everything else should be good to go.

