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  • #16
    Re: whores

    i dont mind if their good at it but some arent .
    the thing i dont like is that if your a haf way good gunner or pilot .
    you get awards that have nothing to do with it, same with tanks and apcs .
    how can they say ya i got my expert sniper if all they do is put in the time with that kit.
    and do all their killing in the air .
    that sucks for all the ppl out there trying very hard to get these things
    i just think it makes their awards pointless and is a cus of a lot of the TKing we see every day.
    you see ppl out there with like 3000 or so kills with a kit like say sniper .
    and when you take the time to look at their stats they have killed 170 the gun and a few with claymores.
    i think EA should have made it so when you jump in a jet or chopper you change to a pilot kit.
    say with a small side arm and a few fancy bits to keep you going .
    so i dont even bother about awards as its totaly pointless IMO.
    but still nice when you get something after putting in the hard work or just having a gr8 game.

    hopefully BF2142 will change this but iv seen nothing to show they even care .
    and i for one am in no rush what so ever to get that game .
    ESP since they messed up BF2 so well with 1,3 and BF2142 will just go the same way
    remember ppl 1,3 is their prob not ours so i dont see why we should all be good lil boys and girls about it,
    we have all had to put up with a lot of crap with 1,3
    and im thinking of just taking BF2 offa my PC untill 1.4 shows its face .
    i have other games and they run fine so i may as well enjoy may gaming .
    i know i got side tracked there but its a fine mix of these 2 things that are starting to put me off the BF thing totaly
    sorry i know this will peee a lot of ppl off but it is also true


    • #17
      Re: whores

      Whores are the chicks in Ontario California :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

      In BF2 whores (especially Chopper) are the guys who team up in the chopper and constantly fly around a base or even just out in the open and continuelly rape 1 guy on foot. Worse when they talk shi* like they are some freakin leet pro in game and in the forums. I have done my share of gunning and ya know I just had a hard time killing 30 guys on foot who cant do a damn thing about it 70% of the time. Even funnier when you shoot them down and they act like you must be a hack since you managed to get them the one in 20 times you have met.

      I like F'n with them, Ill get em by a small building and they will spend ten minutes chasing me around it. All the while my team is capping all his flags cause instead of using the weapon for what its there for, he just cant lose out on that point.


      • #18
        Re: whores

        Whinners cant be winners, whinners cant be choosers.. War is hell, Like it or get killed


        • #19
          Re: whores

          Originally posted by Bubbl3s
          Whinners cant be winners, whinners cant be choosers.. War is hell, Like it or get killed
          thank god well thats sorted it all out then .
          i sometimes think thats not a helmet at all they just shave their heads and paint the stars and stripes on :laugh: :laugh:
          may just start punishing you fly boys next time you TK me when im trying to take a flag :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


          • #20
            Re: whores

            I never gripe about Tanks, APC's, Mobile Anti-Aircraft or Helicopters. I can take them down if I play the right class at the right time.

            I only gripe about jets, because no matter how good I become, no matter how well I play, there is absolutely nothing I can do about them on a stage without mobile AA's, short of getting in a jet and fighting on their terms.

            I hate that.


            • #21
              Re: whores

              Originally posted by Dairuka
              I never gripe about Tanks, APC's, Mobile Anti-Aircraft or Helicopters. I can take them down if I play the right class at the right time.

              I only gripe about jets, because no matter how good I become, no matter how well I play, there is absolutely nothing I can do about them on a stage without mobile AA's, short of getting in a jet and fighting on their terms.

              I hate that.
              Cant bring a knife to a gunfight...unless you are damn good with the knife, like Crocodile Dundy good


              • #22
                Re: whores

                tanks and apcs are only a prob when your on a map with no jets or choppers .
                and almost always its the same lads whoring it up in them but still nowhere as bad as jets and choppers .
                its the fact they get awards for doing nothing more than fly .
                and in something thats prob the hardest thing to take down, that sucks.
                that and them TKing you when your trying to take a flag thats just ppppoooooo.
                in fact some div in a chopper very kindly took out me and haf my Sq tonight thanks man nice one on the TKing
                we ota have all punished him but that only harms your team .
                so think yourself lucky who ever you are.:wall:


                • #23
                  Re: whores

                  Actually, maps without jets or helis make you get more points. I got like 75 points in the end(Karkand), and in big maps like Daqing, I get 15 on average. So now I only play maps without jets nor helis.

                  P.S. I use to hate Karkand!


                  • #24
                    Re: whores

                    hey man like the sig you make it or just showing how peeeeed off you are ???
                    may just change my sig to that later today BTW im not happy with EA/Dice right now


                    • #25
                      Re: whores

                      Vehicle whores are my favorite target in bf2, because they are so persistant, but actually lack the skill to do anything beside their little routine of camping the spawn, camping the enemy spawn to prevent opposition, and raping infantry at a sertain flag. Nothing quite like gunning down heavily damaged choppers as they try to repair, or sweet sweet death by c4 when they try to steal the chopper of MY team. I've made a few "whores" leave the server that way. :P


                      • #26
                        Re: whores

                        Originally posted by Admiral.Nimtz
                        Actually, maps without jets or helis make you get more points. I got like 75 points in the end(Karkand), and in big maps like Daqing, I get 15 on average. So now I only play maps without jets nor helis.

                        P.S. I use to hate Karkand!

                        Cause its karkand,that map is all about tank rapping,spawncamping and nade spamming and I love it


                        • #27
                          Re: whores

                          If every round of Wake I teamswitch back to PLA. M95 the guy who gets in the J10 and spawn camp the carrier and keep on bombing it 24/7 for every round, thats classified as a J-10 whore, people seem to sub-catagorize it, you get a Jet whore, but people feel that J-10 is a one of a kind, its unique, perfect, therefore people will class it as one as a whole as a J-10 whore...

                          I in general don't really bother about what anyone does as long as it doesn't affect me or the game in the long run. If I see someone spawn camping the TV station on Sharqi the whole round with the MI-28. Simple answer spawn somewhere else or try take the chopper out. People take games way to seriously though. It's like ''I can't teamkill or I will lose my precious points'' Vehicle whores isn't something I would call someone. Just because they use some vehicle and are good at using it, why put them down? I mean your benefitting, as long as they are a good pilot they are helping you by taking down the enemy Jets which could be bombing you into oblivion, I just don't get why people whine so much about vehicles. Sure you get your odd person who just bombs the carrier over and over, play on a different map or a different server. Most people are bound to one map, play the other maps which you have played a few minutes on or not at all, and see the full potential of vehicles.

