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A-10 into normal BF2???

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  • #16
    Re: A-10 into normal BF2???

    Originally posted by Bubbl3s
    I dont know if this is Possible... Give it a try to your best knowledge, if that dotn work, then ask POE team or USI mod team

    Wow that really summed it up. Thanks so much Bubbl3s. Your quick response and expert answer really solved this problem, at least in my mind. I was so curious when I clicked on the thread, but that curiosity was instantly killed by reading the first reply. Thanks again for your expert insight.


    • #17
      Re: A-10 into normal BF2???

      its possible, its very possible just copy all files for AF into the mod folder then just find the codes for the A10 and Replace it with say the Su-30(i know its not on dilian) but do it that way.


      • #18
        Re: A-10 into normal BF2???

        no . its much easier . make your own custom map . and then extract your a-10 from the client_zip and then put it in your mod/ojbects/vericles/ then you shou;d be able to add it to spawn in


        • #19
          Re: A-10 into normal BF2???

          not possible well maybe youre carrier is to crowded

