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Very Simple J10/F35B Solution

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  • #16
    Re: Very Simple J10/F35B Solution

    f35 = high speed taxi to j10 pad
    (a quote from clan mate)

    other solutions
    take their base!

    other solution - hit and run. not hit and chase

    f18 GREAT gunning ground targets - verry stable
    went 19 - 1 in daqing all gun vs jeeps/aa


    • #17
      Re: Very Simple J10/F35B Solution

      It would be easy to make the change from F-35's to F-18's but it would be a 150 MB patch just for the maps. It would probably take maybe 5 minutes per map to change plus the time it would take to recompile the lightmaps.


      • #18
        Re: Very Simple J10/F35B Solution

        I really dont find the F/A-18 to be better then the JSF.

        My opinion is that those who wants two missile-deflector jets in air at same time, is the same who hates the missiles to track. People find j10 to be a great jet, cause of this. In the JSF missiles doesnt have the same effect.

        1.2 had a great view on how missiles do work. People complain that they hit too good. Only dedicated JSF pilots knows how to fly jets, how to think smart to avoid getting tailed. All other aviators are IMO just no-skilled.

        Face it, the JSF is the greates jet in this game, it just suck because publicplayers cant fit the gameplay on the ground.

        So people understand what I say: For JSF pilots all missiles track like they did to other jets in 1.2. That other aviators complain regarding that issue, just shows their total lack of planning their runs.

        For any JSF-pilot a tweak back to 1.2 wouldnt change a bit of how to fly.


        • #19
          Re: Very Simple J10/F35B Solution

          Originally posted by Blackhawk5
          THe problem with F-18's is that they dont hover...yes they do belong to the navy/air force, but on the most popular maps (Oman and Wake) there are 2 spawns for the jet, one on the platform hanging on the side of the deck and another on the runway, how do you think an F-18 will takeoff aside from the ways F35's take off. Remember F-18 can not hover.
          Very easy, use the other side of the assault carrier.


          • #20
            Re: Very Simple J10/F35B Solution

            People dont like F18 because they dont like to think in a dogfight. Face it, dogfighting doesnt rely on reflexes only. MiG and F18 are for people who dont get tunnel vision. Ive had my share of guys trying the statorun, Ive shot them down all sooner or later. MiG against F35B is a piece of cake provided that you dont loose your cool and keep your mind thinking. F18 vs J10 is kinda like MiG vs F35B with a challenge. If the missile deflection gets solved, there wont be a problem to take down J10s nor F18s.

            People who like F35 usually like its speed, and their evasive maneuvers sooner or later stick to one mode only. Stratorun. Let me tell you, a pilot who will expect that will just drop your flares, and then take you still out. It may work against majority of pilots, but a good one always expects. And the best pilots know how to track. As many pilots agree, if a MiG/J10 has a lock on you from the distance, youre almost always toast. Best bet is to close the distance. After that its pure skill, luck and a few other factors.

            F18 is the BEST jet in BF2, hands down. I love that bird. Ive spent my fair share of flight time in Demo and MiG and JSF, I know those birds pretty well. F18 amazed me as a combination of these two. J10 could be a little better combination if it lost 100-200 KPH off its speed. F18 takes agility of the F35B, and turn radius of the MiG and puts it in one well shaped bird. AB 10 second timer keeps you on toes and slower speed keeps you thinking. Doesnt get much better than that. Slow speed is PERFECT for missile only engagements, which BF2 right now is. And most people STILL dont know that afterburner doesnt only increase your speed, but also reduces the time it takes to make a full roll. F18+AB+Roll+Same turn radius as MiG (Well, almost) = One lethal dogfighter.

            Having praised my favourite bird, I must say that replacing JSF is the easiest solution, but far from being the best. Just tweak JSF a little and maybe tone down MiG/J10 just a tad and its set.


            • #21
              Re: Very Simple J10/F35B Solution

              Originally posted by Chris_Redfield
              People dont like F18 because they dont like to think in a dogfight. Face it, dogfighting doesnt rely on reflexes only. MiG and F18 are for people who dont get tunnel vision. Ive had my share of guys trying the statorun, Ive shot them down all sooner or later. MiG against F35B is a piece of cake provided that you dont loose your cool and keep your mind thinking. F18 vs J10 is kinda like MiG vs F35B with a challenge. If the missile deflection gets solved, there wont be a problem to take down J10s nor F18s.

              People who like F35 usually like its speed, and their evasive maneuvers sooner or later stick to one mode only. Stratorun. Let me tell you, a pilot who will expect that will just drop your flares, and then take you still out. It may work against majority of pilots, but a good one always expects. And the best pilots know how to track. As many pilots agree, if a MiG/J10 has a lock on you from the distance, youre almost always toast. Best bet is to close the distance. After that its pure skill, luck and a few other factors.

              F18 is the BEST jet in BF2, hands down. I love that bird. Ive spent my fair share of flight time in Demo and MiG and JSF, I know those birds pretty well. F18 amazed me as a combination of these two. J10 could be a little better combination if it lost 100-200 KPH off its speed. F18 takes agility of the F35B, and turn radius of the MiG and puts it in one well shaped bird. AB 10 second timer keeps you on toes and slower speed keeps you thinking. Doesnt get much better than that. Slow speed is PERFECT for missile only engagements, which BF2 right now is. And most people STILL dont know that afterburner doesnt only increase your speed, but also reduces the time it takes to make a full roll. F18+AB+Roll+Same turn radius as MiG (Well, almost) = One lethal dogfighter.

              Having praised my favourite bird, I must say that replacing JSF is the easiest solution, but far from being the best. Just tweak JSF a little and maybe tone down MiG/J10 just a tad and its set.
              Youre right about the F/A-18s advantage in using rolls when turning due to compensate the Mig29s slightly faster turnratio. The F/A-18s missile deflection included, makes it a very good jet.

              I still dont find the F/A-18 to be better then the Lightning, the JSF. The reasons are simple: I hate to calculate while flying for collision-mesh position, and which side of jet the missiles from the enemy jet comes from. I hate when the jet in front of me randomly get any advantage of it, even though he has no clue of how it works. I hate that perfect aligned shots miss, because of this ridicilous feature.

              My reasons to love the JSF, is that you so much more then any other jet, has to be aware of WHERE the enemy will come FROM, where you can ATTACK.

              IMO the JSF makes me feel skilled, since I have to think patch 1.2 to not beeing shot down.

              Otherwise, I truly support your view on F/A-18 as a dogfighter. It really doesnt help to much when a j10 comes in 1600mph, spots you, make a horizontal loop, and just spams you down.

              I have my own countertechnique for getting missiles to hit even all jets, and it works. I just dont find it necessary as a feature in this game, as j10 has its speed, and F/A-18 barely nothing against j10, without its star-wars missile deflector shield.

              I more then anything would welcome the 1.2 patch regarding to the issue of missiles. Though, I would hate it as soon as 32 teammates on the carrier concider it an easy jet to handle, like j10.

              I will rather play singelplayer with bots, so I have my own spawn, then playing public, fighting with teamkilling and blocking noobs, just to have my jet, and my skills to myself.

              I dont like this game anymore, unfortunately.

