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Flying Thread

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  • Flying Thread

    Ok i have been plaing lot, with difrent mods for 1942 ,bf2 and i know that easy flightmodel is not good for games -now in bf2 you can lear how to fly witch choper in i fiev days- if you total noob ,back in 1942 mod days learning flaying could take eaven more than 3 months in difrent mods to gain good skill
    now i have observd SAD thing in this mod - in just 5 mins i wos able to do side roll on about no mor than 15 m and did kill my self in 7/10 ,you can do eaven total vertical hang so no one on groud will survive.. its bad thing that every noob can take choper and pwn infantry, tanks..... flaying should be based on skills

    if it will not change ,in next 1,2 years there will be an army of indestructible chopers pilots:cry:

    barrel rool

    what do you thing about it?
    sorry for my bad eng. im not from usa uk

  • #2
    Re: Flaying Thread

    well it goes both ways

    BF2 control made helicopters easier to use (smoother) but now its not as agile as in say DesertCombat

    sure its easier to fly through piles in BF2
    but in DC a skilled pilot have like instant response on the helicopter "thrust"

    so I think its now easier to fly
    but you can't do as much response movement which in turns limit the raping of ground forces


    • #3
      Re: Flaying Thread

      Choppers in both BF2 and in POE 2 is like hanging from a swing. I'll gun in a chopper but I can't be bothered to fly one - it's just isn't very satisfying. Unresponsive, sluggish and "stiff".

      Cheers :-)

