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Sniper Positioning: Wake Island 2007

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  • Sniper Positioning: Wake Island 2007

    A good number of people seem to have appreciated and learned from my other thread involving my favourite sniping spots in Karkand (, so here I go again to bring to you my preferred positions in my most played map - Wake Island 2007.

    Note that the majority of these suggested locations are useful for both teams. It should be relatively obvious which ones are clearly intended for one team more than another.

    Also note that these positions are highly situational, meaning that they will be more usefull in some circumstances than they will be in others. Think about all the possibilities before judging the value of the information

    Wake Island 2007

    Starting USMC

    My favourite and most used position for sniping on the USMC before a flag is captured on the island proper. Specifically, it is around/under any of the artillery emplacements on the small island.
    Offers an immediate chance to take long-ranged shots at soldiers moving coming down either the northern or southern arms of the island. You can take shots at people manning vehicle turrets, who are focusing on firing at RIB's and helicopters. Great for picking off helpless soldiers attempting to swim to the small island from the mainland. Also a good place from which to provide long-ranged support to friendly soldiers moving toward the North Villiage.
    The only dangers are artillery (mostly avoidable), attack helicopters (who don't hang around too long and can be hidden from), J-10's (also avoidable) and infantry who manage to make it to the island.

    North Villiage Friendly, attacking/defending from North Base

    A nice position that is distinctly less noticable than the flat area just above it. A good place from which to fire on snipers attacking your buddies and enemy infantry who take up positions in the sandbags just past the bridge, as well as swimming enemies. Dangers include enemy snipers and the possibility of an attack helicopter picking you off.

    A well camofluaged flanking position that enables the sniper to take shots at soldiers in and around the North Base, as well as those taking cover from your friends at the North Villiage. Remember that you're away from the main battle, so it's a headshot or nothing unless you want people looking for you. No real danger unless you're discovered, in which case safety is only a short sprint away.

    South Base Friendly, attacking Beach

    Useful when supporting an attack toward the Beach from the South Base. Gives a good views of enemy snipers on top of the bunker, enemy troops moving down the road, and enemy troops moving down your left flank.
    Offers a good oppertunity to move down the left flank, then up and behind to the next position. Dangers include artillery, jets, helicopters, infantry and snipers, so it's quite dangerous, and best used as a stepping stone to the next spot.

    Another camofluaged flanking position. Again, useful for attacking unsuspecting enemies from behind, in a unlikely place. Utilises the surrounding plants to sheild you from the view of vehicles coming from the Airfield. If/When discovered, retreat toward either the South Base or the Airfield, covering yourself with claymores and rifle shots.

    Beach Friendly, attacking South Base

    Again, a somewhat out of the way position, useful for picking off infantry and snipers moving down (what is now) the right flank, and preparing to infiltrate down the right flank yourself.

    Airfield Friendly, North Villiage and North Base Hostile, attacking North Base

    Note that the North Villiage must be hostile. Don't worry about being caught between the two bases, as enemies spawning at the North Base will be moving toward the Airfield, and anyone spawning at the North Villiage will be moving past you, most likely in a vehicle. If the North Villiage or North Base are captured by your team, this position becomes a likely area for troop movement, and as such becomes dangerous.
    Another flanking position, well camofluaged, easy escape, and good for picking off infantry who's attention lies elsewhere.

    Airfield Friendly, attacking North Base

    A popular position because of the cover it provides, as the view down to the right spawn points of the North Base. Near the likely area for the offensive of your main army, so there is the danger or artillery if noone has destroyed it. Also, be wary of enemy snipers looking to remove your face, as this is a commonly used position and is therefore predictable.

    Infiltrated Airfield

    Some for the lone wolves out there intent on annoying unsuspecting infantry. These positions, although obvious and somewhat predictable, offer good views of the Airfield from which to unleash snipery wrath.

    Beach Friendly, defending from Airfield

    Brilliantly camofluaged amongst the shrubbery, a sniper can sit here as long as he likes and pick off whatever enemy is unlucky enough to pass by. Excellent for ambushing infantry for knife/claymore/pistol kills, and staying hidden while making long-ranged shots. The only true dangers are stray bullets and artillery, should your buddies decide to group up around you.

    Beach Friendly, attacking Airfield

    Another simplistic position that is off to the side of the main action and offers a good view of the base and its surroundings. The disadvantage of such a position is that wherever you can see, you can also be seen from, so be ready to move at a moment's notice.

    And that'll about do it. These cover the majority of situations with a small range of effective options which I hope will prove useful.

    Also, the links to my other guides and stats - Karkand Positions - Sniping Guide - My stats

    Remember, be sure to post your own positions (with a screenshot, if possible) if you feel like contributing.

    Other than that, there's nothing left to do but give these a try and enjoy! Good luck, and good hunting in Wake Island 2007

  • #2
    Re: Sniper Positioning: Wake Island 2007

    Nice stuff, a few good'uns imo that you've missed out, i'll try get a screenie in.

    keep it up.


    • #3
      Re: Sniper Positioning: Wake Island 2007

      Nice work Egg. You think you might want to make one for.... Gulf Of Oman> I like those spots. I dont play Wake much but from what I have they look like some sweet spots.... maybe time for a new era of Wake Sniping?


      • #4
        Re: Sniper Positioning: Wake Island 2007

        Yeah, I did leave out a few spots in the interest of keeping down the overall size of the thing.. can be added in later, and any input is more than welcome.

        Also, I am considering a Gulf of Oman position guide, but to be honest my area of expertise isn't altogether fantastic on it, so I'll definately need some suggestions.


        • #5
          Re: Sniper Positioning: Wake Island 2007

          a really good place to snipe, assault, and sneak up on enemys with any kit is at straike at karkand when u drive an mec transport vehicle like the jeep with turret and drive it somewhere close to the enemy base like the burning car by the usmc base and drive it by or under the walkway where every1 throws grenades and park it on the open driveway by the burning car and park it next to the small buildings (ALLEYWAY) and jump on the car and keep jumping until u get to the top and then destroy the vehicle so no 1 can get to ur spot and then u can kill every1 and they wont see u


          • #6
            Re: Sniper Positioning: Wake Island 2007

            nice (even tho i dont snipe anymore..i mite think about getting back into it). good job with the pics (pics usually helps the most) and i like the hiding under artillery one


            • #7
              Re: Sniper Positioning: Wake Island 2007

              Thanks a lot man, I snipe on Wake and Kark a lot so not many of these are new to me btu I cans ee how this would really help the noobs. I too don't snipe on Oman (thought it was a jet/chopper/apc/tank whore paradise up till now) So I look forward to you proving me wrong!



              • #8
                Re: Sniper Positioning: Wake Island 2007

                prety nice snipe spots ty
                i go try them out


                • #9
                  Re: Sniper Positioning: Wake Island 2007

                  Yea, camoflage is very useful and hard to see through


                  • #10
                    Re: Sniper Positioning: Wake Island 2007

                    IT'S A TRAP!!

                    lol i like your sig flyingegg


                    • #11
                      Re: Sniper Positioning: Wake Island 2007

                      nice i like these sniping spots they will come in handy real soon lol


                      • #12
                        Re: Sniper Positioning: Wake Island 2007

                        every1 knows these spots (by now) so it wont be that good using them... just try to lie somewhere behinde enemy lines they wont expect that...


                        • #13
                          Re: Sniper Positioning: Wake Island 2007

                          dude thanks for this it helps me a lot, snipers P00n FTW


                          • #14
                            Re: Sniper Positioning: Wake Island 2007

                            good places
                            but i try ever the impossible
                            not the known places
                            thanx for e few that i didn't know


                            • #15
                              Re: Sniper Positioning: Wake Island 2007

                              I like the artillery one, thats pretty sneaky!

