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Lopsided teams

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  • Lopsided teams

    I like BF2 alot and these forums. I have a question:

    When I'm on a server, If im on a pretty decent team I get bumpped to the suck team and when I'm on the suck team I can't move nor am I ever bumpped to the decent team. Why does this happen and can I do something to fix this? This happens between rounds. I always play on a squad.

    I expect my wins vs losses to be about even. It's not even close. For some reason the servers I've played the teams become extremly lopsided. I suspect theres a trick to stack teams or there is some kind of admin manipulation going on.

  • #2
    Re: Lopsided teams

    I'ts because you entered the server and went to the team thats losing, its because most people leave from the losing team so that space needs filled which is you.


    • #3
      Re: Lopsided teams

      yeah it sucks.....and it pisses me off when im squad leader and i get switched to the losing team that has no spawn points.....

      most typically when i join a server, there are no spawn points


      • #4
        Re: Lopsided teams

        if you become SL of a squad you usaly wont be switched but if you are just a member they can switch. I dont see why they switch squad members and not lone wolfs.


        • #5
          Re: Lopsided teams

          Originally posted by You_were_killedby
          if you become SL of a squad you usaly wont be switched but if you are just a member they can switch. I dont see why they switch squad members and not lone wolfs.
          Good idea that.

          I've also noticed that some servers with Auto-balance have unbalanced teams. eg. 28 vs 15, etc.


          • #6
            Re: Lopsided teams

            Seriously, you have landed on a server where a lot of the players there are trying to inflate thier stats and also help thier friends out. Ive seen this a lot. They need to do this because they arent skilled enough to do this any other way. They will even go and team kill you so that one of thier friends can be put in your spot and get the credit for the win. Of course this will move you from the team with 200 tickets to the team with 30. They have also somehow adjusted the auto balance to move all the highest scoreing players to the same team. Some servers have gone and put 5 or more players on one team that will go all round with zero score (Thier not really there thats why).
            I know some people think that I dont know what Im talking about. I will soon have 1000 hours play time (I now have 998) and have seen a lot. I know I am an average player. I will not cheat or use a hack so some times I just stink up the place (low score). Thats the way it goes but I have seen a lot of very questionable things and have learned that some times the best thing is just to go play on another server.
            Also when you find a server that usually runs a well balanced game you should do like I do add it to the favorites list. Right now I have 5 on my list for this reason. Good Luck. . . . . . .Red

