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Vehicle Nerf & Rant

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  • Vehicle Nerf & Rant

    I started playing BF2 prior to any patches and stopped around Feb06. I recently installed the latest patch, dusted off the joystick, and joined Dalian Plant. The F-35 sits on the carrier ready to unleash its carnage. I hop in, fly over the middle peninsula, and see some poor enemy has his sights trained on me with the IGLA. Chuckling to myself, this guy has clearly chose the wrong pilot to paint and perform the usual reverse loop to take him out. The missle warning comes to life, and take evasive action including flares. Bam! two solid hits placing me in the red. I must be rusty and slow being I haven't flew for awhile and proceed to bail in the hopes of piloting a fresh plane. Take off and find a J-10 on my six. Knowing the J-10 has superior flight characteristics as compared to the F-35 it's going to be tough to evade. He gets behind, and fires his volley of missles, and again take evasive action. I'm dead and think to myself this guy is really good. Respawn, take off, and again the J-10 is soon on my six. I do a reverse loop followed by the trusty afterburner powered hard left bank. I switch to rear view and see the missles coming up and realize he fired at the wrong angle and will probably land no more than one hit if he's lucky. Two of the missles do a complete 90 degree instant turn and again dead. What a crock.

    This is just one of the many situations I've encountered since playing again these past two weeks. The F-35 isn't even worth flying anymore unless your team is able to cap the airfield, the opposing pilots royally suck, and nobody is sitting on the IGLA. On Wake Island, for example, the figure eight rape of the airfield to ensure no planes get airborne is probably the only other sure fire way of the F-35 standing a chance. The J-10 is still by far the superior plane but is now lethal even in the hands of a below average pilot. With the J-10, I don't have to even lead the missles while firing. I fire a two to three after the flare drop, and quickly start acquiring other targets as I know "You Killed XXXX" will display without even having to visually confirm it. Utter ********.
    All of the other planes are missle magnets and pretty much boils down to who can get behind the other guy first. Gone are the days of skilled dogfights or should I say "working for the kill". Going up against the Essex requires a new strategy by diving from the heavens before you're spotted as a missle spam from the vulcan usually ends up in one hit or even death should your plane be damaged already. I've evaded the Vulcans during a spam but it seems mostly related to how fast you can gain altitude.

    The choppers are so easy to shoot down with any of the planes. If they're not down on the first pass, you had better bail because the second pass will seal the deal with a pilot skilled at leading the guns. I remember sqauding up in the Blackhawk with a medic, engineer, and supply and working as a team. It was alot of fun as everyone had a specific job to do and as a result reaped the benefits. Gone are those days as well not only because of the reduced damage but the Mini-guns do little more than sound cool. All I see it do now is fly over a flag, if it makes it that far, and people bailing out while it quickly decends into a fiery abyss. What a shame.

    Honestly, I could care less about stupid crap like red name tag bug or the crappy bomb targetting system. I find ground warfare somewhat of a bore and to me, the vehicles are what keeps it fun and diverse. If I wanted to engage in infantry only, I'd be playing the far superior Counter Strike instead. It just seems the people who lacked competent ground warfare skills and possibly intelligence are the ones who die the most by planes, choppers, and tanks. I can't tell you how many times people will stand there, on the carrier, shooting at planes with rifles in the hope of bringing down or the classic guy in the jeep, sitting stationary. I don't understand why EA didn't pursue a different approach to balancing instead of nerfing everything others whined about.

    If these are the type of adequate "fixes" EA plans to release with more focus on ****pile deluxe expansion packs, I don't think I'll be purchasing 2142.


  • #2
    Re: Vehicle Nerf & Rant

    Long way of saying the J10 owns.

    However, I found that flying at high altitudes allows you stay alive much longer. This is particularly useful on maps like Wake. I prefer the F35 to the J10 when it comes to air to ground, and flying at high altitudes (300 and up) usually allow you remain unseen by the J10's.

    Most of the time.


    • #3
      Re: Vehicle Nerf & Rant

      I had a dogfight with a German Fighter against a English Spitfire in BF1942 the other evening. It was pure "working for the kill" Forced him to eject only to get too close to the flak gun on El Almein map.

      You can get a Blackhawk above 400 and the airdefenses wont see past 350 or so in height. Once you get that high you can travel anywhere provided that the enemy pilots dont also come up that high to look for you. Most pilots are aardavarks hunting ants down here and never look up.

