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    hey guys wassup! i broke out my other 6800 i had in the closet yesterday and went back to sli and it works awsome exept when i go on land! anymap!
    but if i goto say wake! spawn on carier and get a jet i get 90-100 fps but when i go over land it locks at 6-10 fps! wtfh!
    so i tried something and disabled sli but left my mobo and bios in sli setup! both cards are in and connected with slibridge and it works great!
    i get like 50-70 fps med/high settings but very very playable! but i want to go back to sli8x AA! i miss those grapics so bad!
    another thing i had sli8x on and played Americas army and they worked great!
    but sli in bf2 doesnt work good anymore!


    AMD 64 3500+ 2.2ghz
    2-4 gb Corsiar XMS mem!(i go 2gb and 4gb sometimes)
    200gbmaxtor sata 16mb cache
    DFI Lanparty NF4 SLI-d mobo
    550watt SLI rdy PSU
    84.xx series vid drives (i had most up to date ones but i went back to old more stable ones!)
    thanks in advance if someone is able to help!

  • #2
    Re: VIDEO GURU's

    The video card some time is bad card or could be over heat suggest get like my 3D Fuizon Geforce 7300 Gs 256mb tubro cah make go 512mb! has 550mhz which run game smooth get FPS like over 100 with high setting only cost $99.99!

    __________________________________________________ ___________________________

    99% of BF2 players punish for teamkills. If you are one of the 1% who don't punish for teamkills copy and paste this into your signature.


    • #3
      Re: VIDEO GURU's

      He's talking about SLi punkboy...

