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Help installing...

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  • Help installing...

    Hey guys i just picked up the game the deluxe edition. I want to install it on my laptop, everything is going fine, i enter my cd keys and it starts installing. It then asks for disc 2 to keep installing, i put in disc 2 but it doesnt read it... i keep poping out the cd and trying again and no luck. So i cancell the installation and restet the comp to try again, same problem, so i cancell the installation again and try putting disc one in without rebooting to see if it will work and it wont read disc 1 so i then reset the comp and try putting disc 2 in and try running it by going to my comp and then to my cd/dvd rom and it still wont work. So i give up for an hour and try again still nothing, so I am thinking its the cds but i thought i shjould check and see if it runs on my pc and i try installing it and everything works good. Now my question is why will my laptop only read the cd's sometimes?

  • #2
    Re: Help installing...

    What are the specs of your laptop? I'm wondering if it is able to run the game or not.

    And sometimes laptops optical drives can be a bit more sensitive than dekstops, so little scratches can be big problems.


    • #3
      Re: Help installing...

      Well I was able to run the demo pretty well, my specs are
      1.66ghz dual core
      1 gb ram
      ATI Mobility x1400 128mb graphics card
      I will make sure the cd is very clean but i just bought the game tossed the cd in so there souldnt be any scatches but i will double check, any more things which could cause this problem?


      • #4
        Re: Help installing...

        I wouldnt have thought so. Sorry, I couldnt quite grasp your post, when you put in disk one now, does it still start installing? And if you put in disk 2 without starting the install process does Windows actually see the disk?

        Is there any way you can borrow a DVD version of the game from a friend?


        • #5
          Re: Help installing...

          hmm well if i put disk one in it will start to install. If i put disk two in without starting the install process it doesnt see the disc. None of my friends have BF 2 yet, i could try returning it and try to get hte dvd version but hopefully i wont have to do that. Is the dvd version any better?

          Edit: I can feel the disc trying to be read but nothing happens.


          • #6
            Re: Help installing...

            Sounds like you might have a slightly dodgy disk - sorry I've never installed it via CDs before, is there a third disk and can your Laptop see that? If so then its definitely a faulty disk, but your desktop PC might be able to pick it up if its CD-Rom drive is a bit less finnicky about what it wants to read.

            The DVD version is identical, only difference being you only have to worry about one disk.


            • #7
              Re: Help installing...

              hmm ****ty deal, well i tried all the discs and it only seems to read disc one and three but not disc 2 4 5, i guess i will try to return the game and see if i can get another copy.


              • #8
                Re: Help installing...

                Sounds like your laptop's optical drive is pretty sensitive. I'd try for the DVD version. Either that or if you have your laptop and PC networked you could create disk images via Alcohol and transfer them to your laptop and try installing direct from your hard drive.....


                • #9
                  Re: Help installing...

                  could you explain how to do this, or maybe help me out with some links, i searched but foudn nothing yet. Thanks


                  • #10
                    Re: Help installing...

                    You need to download Alcohol 120% from the web (google search) and have it installed on your laptop and desktop. Then run the "image making wizard" for each disk (on your dekstop), then transfer the image files (.ISO files) to your laptop.

                    Open Alcohol on your laptop, click "file-->open" for each image file, right click and mount the image file starting with #1, and it should install just like the cd roms.


                    • #11
                      Re: Help installing...

                      should it say

                      Disc read error at: 823
                      Disc read error at: 885

                      is that okay? also should it take awhile to do this cuase its going really slow.



                      • #12
                        Re: Help installing...

                        You mean "should alcohol say that?" No, it means there is something definitely not right with the disks, so even though your dekstop PC picks up the disks, it may not be able to read 100% of the data properly. I'd seriously look at taking them back to where you bought them.


                        • #13
                          Re: Help installing...

                          I let alcohol run after those errors appeard and it seems like it copied it correctly, I am going to try and get them exchanged, so hopefully i will get a good copy.

                          wow okay I am stupid lol, I was actully creating a image of The Sims as that was in my other cd rom so I am re-doing creating images of the discs and I get no errors for BF2, now once i get all these images created of these discs, do I jsut transfer them to my laptop? and can I jsut use a flash drive to do so? and then how do I run these images files? sorry I am new at this.

