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PKM or P90

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  • PKM or P90

    which one is better.

  • #2
    Re: PKM or P90

    PKM is good for a support role and P90 is good for an Anti-Tank role, but in a firefight the PKM wins.


    • #3
      Re: PKM or P90

      they are both great and depends on your playing style. p90 for up close or PKM for range and damage...


      • #4
        Re: PKM or P90

        Err P90 sucks donkey nuts IMO. If I play AT it's DAO all the way.


        • #5
          Re: PKM or P90

          PKM is a beast if you can use it to its full potential. Easy points. P90, is ****.


          • #6
            Re: PKM or P90

            Personally i love the P90 even though i havnt unlocked it yet. Ive used it many a times and is quite accurate i have sniped snipers with that thing. I am going to unlock the dao and the P90 when i reac the 20'000 point mark


            • #7
              Re: PKM or P90

              PKM will win at a range, but in CQC P90 all the way.

              PKM has a 600rpm, while the P90 has 900rpm.

              By the time the PKM can start punching, the P90 has already finished the job.


              • #8
                Re: PKM or P90

                Anyone who has spent any time playing with the P90 will tell you that it is pretty worthless. The dude who says he has sniped snipers with that thing must have been standing right next to him, and even then probably had trouble finishing him off. Go PKM, excellent weapon.


                • #9
                  Re: PKM or P90

                  P90 is good for one thing, giving the AT class some ranged attacks against infantry. I'd say go for PKM first.


                  • #10
                    Re: PKM or P90

                    Originally posted by RpTheHotrod
                    P90 is good for one thing, giving the AT class some ranged attacks against infantry. I'd say go for PKM first.
                    Hell I think the AT rocket is better for range fights than that POS P90.


                    • #11
                      Re: PKM or P90

                      Cant realy compair the weapons. Both good for there roles on the battlefield.


                      • #12
                        Re: PKM or P90


                        The P90 is only good for close range.


                        • #13
                          Re: PKM or P90

                          It really depends on you're kit preference. I use Anti-Tank and Medic all the time, so I'm getting the P90 and G36E in 2-3 days. (Predicted time of promotion )


                          • #14
                            Re: PKM or P90

                            Close Quarters Combat
                            P90 FTW ! ! !

                            Short Range to Medium
                            PKM FTW ! ! !


                            • #15
                              Re: PKM or P90

                              Originally posted by Creasy79
                              Close Quarters Combat
                              P90 FTW ! ! !

                              Short Range to Medium
                              PKM FTW ! ! !
                              How in the world is the P90 better in CQC than the DAO?

