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Do I get the badge?

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  • Do I get the badge?


    I was recently playing on karkand as support. I was doing quite well had 100 score coming first place, was awarded expert support badge aswell.

    My question is this, the server I think went down as I was booted then after connecting back to the server there wasnt many people in it and the tickets were reset.

    Do I get my score and badge or not?


  • #2
    Re: Do I get the badge?

    Same thing happened to me with 100 score and 40 kills i managed to get Vetren Assault Badge 30 minutes ago i got so pissed off i quit the game, will i get it?


    • #3
      Re: Do I get the badge?

      I dont think so...i think you lose all points if the server crashs, but hey i'm not to sure.

      Nice Work Btw!


      • #4
        Re: Do I get the badge?

        give the server time to update, it will or it wont update it


        • #5
          Re: Do I get the badge?

          Well if you did it once, you can do it again.


          • #6
            Re: Do I get the badge?

            Nope, if the server crashes before the round ends, I don't think you get the points nor the badge. Sorry.


            • #7
              Re: Do I get the badge?

              Originally posted by Rifocs442
              Nope, if the server crashes before the round ends, I don't think you get the points nor the badge. Sorry.

              I had the exact same thing happen to me with my Assault badge on karkand...

              I got the badge, 2 minutes later the server crashed (not my game, the server) and I had the award the next day when i checked.

              Give it some time... it isnt a guarantee that it will award it but it is at least 50/50.

              I bet you will get it.


              • #8
                Re: Do I get the badge?

                This sucks iv got my Assault Vetren Badge 3 times now and server crashed or i was booted and banned 5 minutes for running over the Admin by acsident -.-, Also it happened with c4 basic i just never got badge, also Sniper Vet.


                • #9
                  Re: Do I get the badge?

                  Servers seem to be crashing more frequently lately ...

                  Unfortunately, don't you have to be there when the round finishes to retain your score and medals?


                  • #10
                    Re: Do I get the badge?

                    Originally posted by Kernel Panic
                    Servers seem to be crashing more frequently lately ...

                    Unfortunately, don't you have to be there when the round finishes to retain your score and medals?

                    its eas faulty patch making skills 1.3 caused alot more crashes and loading times


                    • #11
                      Re: Do I get the badge?

                      I thought Dice made the patches.... what now?


                      • #12
                        Re: Do I get the badge?

                        yeah servers crashes too much these days, but good thing it usually happens when i start off bad with like 0-4


                        • #13
                          Re: Do I get the badge?

                          nope its happend to em loads you dont get awrded


                          • #14
                            Re: Do I get the badge?

                            if the server ends and the game is done then you get your stuff but if not then i don't think you do check your account like in 2-3 hours and if the stuff is there than good if not then :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

