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Server functions

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  • Server functions

    ok im an admin of the TL ranked server, we have stuck to every rule that EA have set, we know about that knife and pistol thing we stopped that ages ago so EA should be doing nothing to our server.

    Our problems, 2 days ago no admins sould change the map or set the nest map in rotation, then we couldnt warn anyone, those functions game back yesterday, now today every function from kicking to checking the autobalnce has gone, not even the actual server owner can use his admin functions WTF is going on, we broke no rules, we admin fairly so anyone who can shed some light on our problem would be great. But its made our server like armageddon.

  • #2
    Re: Server functions

    Originally posted by TP.BigBoss
    ok im an admin of the TL ranked server, we have stuck to every rule that EA have set, we know about that knife and pistol thing we stopped that ages ago so EA should be doing nothing to our server.

    Our problems, 2 days ago no admins sould change the map or set the nest map in rotation, then we couldnt warn anyone, those functions game back yesterday, now today every function from kicking to checking the autobalnce has gone, not even the actual server owner can use his admin functions WTF is going on, we broke no rules, we admin fairly so anyone who can shed some light on our problem would be great. But its made our server like armageddon.
    Something seems to have happened with game settings - all of my player options were reset to default for no reason - maybe something similar happened to server settings.


    • #3
      Re: Server functions

      could be, its annoying because you pay that much for the damn server and you cant even control it.


      • #4
        Re: Server functions

        open a trouble ticket with your provider. That should be the first thing you do when you have problems with your server


        • #5
          Re: Server functions

          Sounds like a provider problem. If your server got shot down, I think that you would be completely shut down, not have on and off settings like you mentioned.


          • #6
            Re: Server functions

            its just completely crashed about 2 minutes ago we are contacting the provider and no responce, the server is still on BF2 but when you join its crashed on server paused


            • #7
              Re: Server functions

              Does BF2CC work at all?


              • #8
                Re: Server functions

                bf2CC is crashed the only thing we can do is press launch but theres an idle player in the server so it wont do anything


                • #9
                  Re: Server functions

                  Do you have the link that the server provider sends out when you first get the server. It allows you access to an online control panel that has a few commands that let's you bring the server down all the way. You can literally do a hard reboot on it via this control panel.


                  • #10
                    Re: Server functions

                    i dont know im not 100% the outter admin and the actual outer admin is out for the night so it will wait untill 2moz, thanks for all the help though.


                    • #11
                      Re: Server functions

                      No problem, let me know if it works out.


                      • #12
                        Re: Server functions

                        it will be back on 7pm 2moz.


                        • #13
                          Re: Server functions

                          sounds like you might need a better server provider
                          if you have to wait all night to get it fixed

                          about your OP
                          sometimes the server hangs up
                          and fire deamon cannot even restart the bf2ded.exe
                          that is when you need a hard reset
                          few times - when the hoster logged in remotely on bf2cc
                          he saw the game up and running
                          (ie bf2cc has a 'ghost of the last data stream)
                          and it was hard down

