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  • Crashing...Points

    Can someone make a patch so you acquire points as your playing not until the game has finished because I am sure that many of you like myself have played and the game has about 5 min left and you have a pretty good score and then BAM the server crashes and all points are lost...This has happened to me a # of times and getting a little frustrating....I was playing one day and it happened three different times on three different servers and then my mouse died...worked out for the best got a better mouse....

  • #2
    Re: Crashing...Points

    Hey don't cry. I lost Expert Sniper because of a 1.3 server error. See my sig for an example of what I've been seeing way too much recently...

    Now I've given up going for any goals until 1.4 comes out - the servers are just too buggy to put any real effort out in the game... so it's chill and mess around time until then.


    • #3
      Re: Crashing...Points

      ea cant make patchhs right thats why i play unranked servers.


      • #4
        Re: Crashing...Points

        I'll get right on that - will you pay me?


        • #5
          Re: Crashing...Points

          Tsk... I'm so damn annoyed of 1.3 now. Again, again, again, x153 I lost a GOOD round of points.. Chopper whoring. Points lost. Yay for paying for a Ranked Server, which CRASHES. Thanks for loosing money out of the window. Ffs!

