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Proposed New Kit - Undercover

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  • Proposed New Kit - Undercover

    Forum Members,

    This is just a suggestion i thought would add the extra dimension to this great game.

    What if there was a kit where you could pick which would enable you to work as a undercover/spy player.

    This is how it would pan out (2 scenarios)


    * You would appear on the battlefield with a neatural skin (same skins as the other team)
    * You would not have a tag so you couldnt be identified.
    * You would have spy sort of equipment but main weapon would be a knife or pistol
    * You would have a device which you would stick on the wall and when enemy walked past, it would "spot" them and the red marker would appear on the minimap.
    * You would then have to sneek around to the other side and try to take out enemies without the others seeing you, ie. group rans around a building and you take out the last guy.
    * Obviosuly Team Kill would have to be turned on and get punished for killing your team mate.
    * This way if a spy ran buy you, you would have to keep an eye on him before trying to take him out
    * You could not be "spottable" or appear on the UAV scan.
    * You could enter Enemy vehciles
    * Maybe you could capture flag??



    * You appear on the battlefield dressed as your team colours.
    * You then would have to kill (knife or pistol) an enemy and then grab their clothes.
    * You would then have to try to avoid your teammates from shooting you.
    * You would have to try to take out the other team enemies
    * most of the above points listed in scenario 1.

    Obviously you would have to put in measures so it wasnt exploited.

    I just think this would be exciting, esp if you had to put all that effort into firstly tryin to knife some1, and then try to sneek in with the enemy, it sure would get your heart pumpin!

  • #2
    Re: Proposed New Kit - Undercover

    Hmm... I've thought of that too. What would work great with that new kit is the invisibility suit. It would be, however, hard to get kills and points maybe. Maybe add a shocker gun (like Splinter Cell versus... if you have ever played) of some sort where it zaps players and make them lose partial vision or speed so you can move in for the kill.


    • #3
      Re: Proposed New Kit - Undercover

      Spy idea sounds interesting, but hell, there's enough tk's already as it is


      • #4
        Re: Proposed New Kit - Undercover

        This sounds alot like the red tag bug...


        • #5
          Re: Proposed New Kit - Undercover

          sounds cool, except they shouldnt get weapons, but then ppl will complain that they dont get weapons and then they will get uber powerful weapons and then people will complain that theyre too powerful and then DIce will nerf their guns and then ppl will complain again...we've seen this cycle already :P but still cool idea


          • #6
            Re: Proposed New Kit - Undercover

            Sounds kinda cool


            • #7
              Re: Proposed New Kit - Undercover

              I think its a pretty cool idea however, I can definitely see a lot of hackers going with this kit and hacking without being able to be spotted or tagged, not even screenies would work against these monsters. Now, imagine this, squadleader goes spy, runs across map, has 5 othwers spawn on him, anyone else see how annoying this could be?


              • #8
                Re: Proposed New Kit - Undercover

                spying in BF2=impossible:laugh:


                • #9
                  Re: Proposed New Kit - Undercover

                  Sounds kinda dumb in my opinion, just doesnt sound like a real war if you got random civilians type people walking around planting devices.


                  • #10
                    Re: Proposed New Kit - Undercover

                    lol once a guy shot me when I was capping a flag because he said my tag didn't show up. You can already kinda do that with the sniper kit if you don't see the tag you have to look closly to see if they are on your team. Plus for the spy idea the commander is really the only one sitting around. So if you were a spy you'd have to kill you team and cap flags with them because there would be nothing else to do. It would increase tking though they would start shooting their team because they dropped picked up an enemy kit or something stupid like that. Plus if their main weapon is a knife of pistol they're gonna kill you just because you have your knife of pistol out.


                    • #11
                      Re: Proposed New Kit - Undercover

                      Originally posted by JoeG
                      This sounds alot like the red tag bug...


                      • #12
                        Re: Proposed New Kit - Undercover

                        Uhh no thanks, 85% of the team would be this class. Just like 85% of the team in 2142 will be that class that can turn invisible.


                        • #13
                          Re: Proposed New Kit - Undercover

                          nah...i think that invisible class is just too hyped up just by the sounds

                          (reminds me of when the f2000 first came into the game...ppl were praising it cuz it had a cool scope and a nade launcher)

                          also, i think sniper would easily fit this role of undercover...tehy got the cool camoflauge ghile suit and most snipers are used for recon/observation


                          • #14
                            Re: Proposed New Kit - Undercover

                            Maybe a different name for it, Operative or Agent maybe?


                            • #15
                              Re: Proposed New Kit - Undercover

                              sounds pretty kool

