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WTF?! Missles get dodged all the time

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  • WTF?! Missles get dodged all the time

    Ok, I can never figure this out. I fly a LOT in planes and choppers (mostly all I do), but it annoys the crap out of me when Im right behind a guy and we are going in a STRAIGH LINE. I lock on to him, shoot missles at him 1 by 1, and they ALL go right past him! What the hell is that about. Im not saying their hacking or anything, but I seriousely have no idea what they are doing.

  • #2
    Re: WTF?! Missles get dodged all the time

    yea I get that alot and also my flares dont work, i release them right after I hear the sound and right after that I get shot, my flares stay up there for a couple of seconds but the missiles just go through them alot of times, yes I am doing it worked before


    • #3
      Re: WTF?! Missles get dodged all the time

      First off wht are you shooting at? If its the J10 good luck i cause there hella bugged you almost never hit one with missles from a plane. Now if its any other plane or a chopper i can hit most reliably but i do often see them miss. I'm sure it's a combination of lag and the hit boxes being programmed really crapily. I find the best way to hit with missles is to maintain a lock if you break it that seems to screw things up, but not always theres been plenty of times i cant even see the plane/chopper anymore and i hit it.


      • #4
        Re: WTF?! Missles get dodged all the time

        you must be firing at the j-10 then they evade 60% of missles launched at them while going straight!!!


        • #5
          Re: WTF?! Missles get dodged all the time

          Well ya, it happens on the J-10 but it also happens ocassionally on any other plane. And like =PSU=PJMAK1 mentioned, flares suck ***. A lot of the times, i drop em and the lockon sticks on me still. Tone doesnt change at all. Another thing i was wonderin about is hitting planes while they are in a loop. if your chasing someone and you get locked on, most peoples immediate rection is to pull up and do a loop around. When someone doesnt that to me, even if I stay locked on, my missles wont hit because they cant turn that sharply to follow throught the loop. But when I do it it doesnt work. I loop AND drop flares, and the missle still hits me. wtf


          • #6
            Re: WTF?! Missles get dodged all the time

            Well if they're RIGHT on your tail then the loop is effective, but if they're back a way, then as you pull up into the loop (assume you're talking about a back loop) your canopy and the entire top of your aircraft is visible and easy to hit if locked on. Same is true for forward loop. Check your six b4 looping and if he's very close then do it, but if he's back a ways you'll get hosed.


            • #7
              Re: WTF?! Missles get dodged all the time

              Originally posted by ShadowMafia
              Well ya, it happens on the J-10 but it also happens ocassionally on any other plane. And like =PSU=PJMAK1 mentioned, flares suck ***. A lot of the times, i drop em and the lockon sticks on me still. Tone doesnt change at all.
              This proves how much you actually spend in AA. That proves ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!!! You still get the tone, because the person on the ground STILL IS LOCKED ONTO YOU!!! Just because you get the tone, doesn't mean they've fired the missiles. DOH!!!!

              Flares work 100% of the time. If you deploy them, and the person is STILL locked onto you, and THEN releases the AA, then you have a chance of getting hit.

              Jetwhores whinging... it never stops.


              • #8
                Re: WTF?! Missles get dodged all the time

                Originally posted by Combat-Quokka
                This proves how much you actually spend in AA. That proves ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!!! You still get the tone, because the person on the ground STILL IS LOCKED ONTO YOU!!! Just because you get the tone, doesn't mean they've fired the missiles. DOH!!!!

                Flares work 100% of the time. If you deploy them, and the person is STILL locked onto you, and THEN releases the AA, then you have a chance of getting hit.

                Jetwhores whinging... it never stops.
                I know how all that works, I release me flares and I get hit that same second, the flares stay up in the air for a couple of seconds, trust me its been hapening to me alot lately


                • #9
                  Re: WTF?! Missles get dodged all the time

                  Well, i've found if I lock on and fire a missle and then they fire their flares my missle still goes after their jet. Maybe that's what you're experiencing?


                  • #10
                    Re: WTF?! Missles get dodged all the time

                    Originally posted by ShadowMafia
                    Ok, I can never figure this out. I fly a LOT in planes and choppers (mostly all I do), but it annoys the crap out of me when Im right behind a guy and we are going in a STRAIGH LINE. I lock on to him, shoot missles at him 1 by 1, and they ALL go right past him! What the hell is that about. Im not saying their hacking or anything, but I seriousely have no idea what they are doing.
                    Did this plane blend in well with the sky and have red stars on the wings?


                    • #11
                      Re: WTF?! Missles get dodged all the time

                      I can dodge missiles with every jet excluding the F35. Its really cool

                      Gun fighting is back pre 1.2 yay!


                      • #12
                        Re: WTF?! Missles get dodged all the time

                        Originally posted by =PSU=PJMAK1
                        yea I get that alot and also my flares dont work, i release them right after I hear the sound and right after that I get shot, my flares stay up there for a couple of seconds but the missiles just go through them alot of times, yes I am doing it worked before
                        I can vouch for that as well. The flares are really pissing me off when I'm in the heli, they rarely ever work. You release flares and most of the time the lock tone stays on you. If an IGLA fires almost 100% of the time atleast 1 missile will hit you still. If its a plane then your dead.

                        Please fix the flares so they work.


                        • #13
                          Re: WTF?! Missles get dodged all the time

                          Fix: Flares to become pysical objects and missiles to detonate on impact with them.


                          • #14
                            Re: WTF?! Missles get dodged all the time

                            Originally posted by colony
                            I can dodge missiles with every jet excluding the F35. Its really cool

                            Gun fighting is back pre 1.2 yay!
                            any tips? cuz i sure as hell cant. And what Im talkin about with the flares and tone not changing is when being chased by an enemy PLANE, not AA. I get a lock on me, fire the flares, doesnt remove the lock, still get hit with missles, and when i die it sais I was killed by a plane.


                            • #15
                              Re: WTF?! Missles get dodged all the time

                              sometimes the planes like SU and j-10 just DEFLECT the missles. the missles bounce off and fly off to the side. Hell, choppers even deflect arty! i seen my arty hit the chopper, and bounce off into a random direction before

