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problem vid settings

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  • problem vid settings

    i have a radeon 9200 that runs bf2 horribly so im getting a new card and new RAM memory upgrade, but i never saw how bf2 runs with all high on my comp wen i go to try to, i can only put some on medium and the rest on low, high is not available for any of them y is that????????????

    cmon someone reply

  • #2
    Re: problem vid settings

    Because your card does not support it.


    • #3
      Re: problem vid settings

      exactly...the 9200 only supports 1.4 shaders and u need 2.0 pixel shaders to have medium terrain and shadows and all the other cool stuff

      (i have tested this b4 with forcing 1.4 shaders and forcing 2.0 shaders so i kno im right :P)


      • #4
        Re: problem vid settings

        so wen i get my new card all other settings will be available????


        • #5
          Re: problem vid settings



          • #6
            Re: problem vid settings

            what card are you getting?


            • #7
              Re: problem vid settings

              Pre 1.3 you could manually set your setting higher by editing the video.con file, but now they changed that too.


              • #8
                Re: problem vid settings

                im getting this will this support bf2 and allow me to run on medium/high settings???

                We’re sorry, but this page does not existing. Please visit our home page for more information.

                wait that link doesnt work!


                • #9
                  Re: problem vid settings

                  my friend has a very similar card probably could mix it with medium and high doesnt make a huge difference. got an x1600 pro 512 mb pci for about the same price and i could run medium and high with no problem http://www.mwave.comgo to this site and look it up probably could get a better card for the same price


                  • #10
                    Re: problem vid settings

                    oo x800 is a very nice card for agp users

