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How do I deal with Karkand glitchers?

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  • How do I deal with Karkand glitchers?

    Okay, last night I was playing on a 24/7 Karkand server, and the MEC team had this one guy who ALWAYS went into the hotel. Of course he denied it, but he was a tad too obvious that he was doing it. (I put him up to many tests to see if he was simply hiding somewhere. He failed them all. And his score was 60K/1D.) I forgot to take screenies, but his name was reconinja. Anyways, my question is, how do I get someone out of the hotel, when multiple Kick votes are failing? Should I go in after him? Switch teams and TK? (BTW, this was my first encounter with someone using the glitch).

  • #2
    Re: How do I deal with Karkand glitchers?

    Originally posted by Ghilleman
    Okay, last night I was playing on a 24/7 Karkand server, and the MEC team had this one guy who ALWAYS went into the hotel. Of course he denied it, but he was a tad too obvious that he was doing it. (I put him up to many tests to see if he was simply hiding somewhere. He failed them all. And his score was 60K/1D.) I forgot to take screenies, but his name was reconinja. Anyways, my question is, how do I get someone out of the hotel, when multiple Kick votes are failing? Should I go in after him? Switch teams and TK? (BTW, this was my first encounter with someone using the glitch).
    1. Get commander to look down on hotel from directly above to see if any 1 is there

    2. Join the suspects squad, & follow him in 3rd person, & get a screenie

    Lieutenant General |SI|SERIALBUTCHER



    • #3
      Re: How do I deal with Karkand glitchers?

      Get the screenies and report.
      Talk to the server admin.
      Team change, join their squad, and C4 'em.

      Those are about the only things you can do.

      What Dice needs to do is to make "death volumes". Large invisible objects that inflict instant death on you when you enter them. Place them inside any and all problematic buildings/structers/terrain. It's a bit of a hack, but it's something that would work.


      • #4
        Re: How do I deal with Karkand glitchers?

        Originally posted by Ghilleman
        Okay, last night I was playing on a 24/7 Karkand server, and the MEC team had this one guy who ALWAYS went into the hotel. Of course he denied it, but he was a tad too obvious that he was doing it. (I put him up to many tests to see if he was simply hiding somewhere. He failed them all. And his score was 60K/1D.) I forgot to take screenies, but his name was reconinja. Anyways, my question is, how do I get someone out of the hotel, when multiple Kick votes are failing? Should I go in after him? Switch teams and TK? (BTW, this was my first encounter with someone using the glitch).
        1. find a new server


        2. be the MEC commander and refuse to drop a car on that roof


        3. go to that roof, and when the car comes, get into it and drive it off the side so he cant use it.... Or destroy it before it hits the ground.


        • #5
          Re: How do I deal with Karkand glitchers?

          I have a question, someone was reporting me yesterday because I was ONTOP of the hotel cause some c4 jumped and I just happened to be right there. Would I still be wiped or anything?


          • #6
            Re: How do I deal with Karkand glitchers?

            TK them, TKing is the answer to every BF2 problem there is, TKing is the best part of this game


            • #7
              Re: How do I deal with Karkand glitchers?

              Originally posted by AliasJay
              TK them, TKing is the answer to every BF2 problem there is, TKing is the best part of this game
              I second that


              • #8
                Re: How do I deal with Karkand glitchers?

                If there is a retarded glitcher in the Hotel then ignore the hotel it is a useless spawn point.. By hunting after the glitcher you only give him someone to take advantage of. Snap a screenie, move away, and come back when he is banned...


                • #9
                  Re: How do I deal with Karkand glitchers?

                  The only way i've managed to deal with it is to either ignore that area (go around it), or try to get the player kicked (which is rarely successful). Why is it people seem to refuse to vote for exploiters to be kicked?


                  • #10
                    Re: How do I deal with Karkand glitchers?

                    C4 Jeep into the hotel!


                    • #11
                      Re: How do I deal with Karkand glitchers?

                      Originally posted by Wargimp
                      Get the screenies and report.
                      Talk to the server admin.
                      Team change, join their squad, and C4 'em.

                      Those are about the only things you can do.

                      What Dice needs to do is to make "death volumes". Large invisible objects that inflict instant death on you when you enter them. Place them inside any and all problematic buildings/structers/terrain. It's a bit of a hack, but it's something that would work.

                      they used to put barb wire on known glitch areas in DC.


                      • #12
                        Re: How do I deal with Karkand glitchers?

                        Originally posted by Ghilleman
                        Okay, last night I was playing on a 24/7 Karkand server, and the MEC team had this one guy who ALWAYS went into the hotel. Of course he denied it, but he was a tad too obvious that he was doing it. (I put him up to many tests to see if he was simply hiding somewhere. He failed them all. And his score was 60K/1D.) I forgot to take screenies, but his name was reconinja. Anyways, my question is, how do I get someone out of the hotel, when multiple Kick votes are failing? Should I go in after him? Switch teams and TK? (BTW, this was my first encounter with someone using the glitch).
                        Must of been on the same server as you because I recall him killing me out of nowhere and not being able to located him even with the UVA going. Recognized the screen name automatically when I read the post. Most of the flags had been taken and that was the last forward flag left.


                        • #13
                          Re: How do I deal with Karkand glitchers?

                          Go spec ops, get a tank. Put c4 on the end of the barrel and drive up to the hotel. The barrel will go through the wall, get out of it and blow it.


                          • #14
                            Re: How do I deal with Karkand glitchers?

                            Originally posted by Ghilleman
                            Okay, last night I was playing on a 24/7 Karkand server, and the MEC team had this one guy who ALWAYS went into the hotel. Of course he denied it, but he was a tad too obvious that he was doing it. (I put him up to many tests to see if he was simply hiding somewhere. He failed them all. And his score was 60K/1D.) I forgot to take screenies, but his name was reconinja. Anyways, my question is, how do I get someone out of the hotel, when multiple Kick votes are failing? Should I go in after him? Switch teams and TK? (BTW, this was my first encounter with someone using the glitch).

                            first of all, know they enemy.

                            I have learnt how to get into the hotel by asking hackers as if I wanted to go with them so now I stop them as much as possible.

                            Of course I'm not gonna post how to get in (obvious reaons) although of course because I've never tried I could be wrong.

                            As for stopping them, you just have to stop them before they can get in or if they're already in well, avoid them and go somewhere else, don't feed them.

                            Originally posted by Heimdal
                            Go spec ops, get a tank. Put c4 on the end of the barrel and drive up to the hotel. The barrel will go through the wall, get out of it and blow it.

                            lmao nice man!! never ehard of that! from the front or the back? front being where the flag is.


                            • #15
                              Re: How do I deal with Karkand glitchers?

                              I know how to kill those bastards. Get a APC, and drive up behind the hotel (the street in the back)... and look directly at the hotel. keep firing your gun, and the stronger gun into the hotel, and it will actually kill whoever is inside. i do it whenever i see those glitchers inside.

