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Tank Textures

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  • Tank Textures

    I have bf2 and all the expansions. Patched to 1.3 and all is well. I am fully able to run the game with all settings high and 4x AA. Looks and runs great. But for some reason the tank textures "jump". Check the screens below.

    Not a performance issue. Just crazy tank textures.

    BTW my system is:

    Asus Nvidia 6800 w/ 512 DDR
    AMD 2700+
    512megs PC-3200
    80g HDD

    Hope they patch it.... :-(

  • #2
    Re: Tank Textures

    You can run all high with 4x AA? Try changing the settings and seeing if it does anything...512MB RAM....all high?


    • #3
      Re: Tank Textures

      any overheating?

      ps 1gb to 1.5gb ram is recommended by people round here


      • #4
        Re: Tank Textures

        Check all temperatures with Speedfan which you can google quite easily.


        • #5
          Re: Tank Textures

          dang those are some wacked up pics weird.


          • #6
            Re: Tank Textures

            Yea runs fine with just 512 megs of ram. No overheating and it is ONLY the Tank. I notice it also on the EU tank tracks but not the tank itself. And yea with 512megs ram it does take a moment to load and run the game but once it is loaded it runs fine. And yea ALL graphics settings on high. and yea 4x AA. I have tried different settings from low to high and it does it in all. I'll try to make a fraps if it does not kill my FPS.


            • #7
              Re: Tank Textures

              I have 2 GB RAM with an nVidia GeForce 6800. I can run the game on the maximum settings while also having iTunes running and not lose any frame rates.


              • #8
                Re: Tank Textures

                Here is a fraps I made. And yea it runs fine maxed out with only 512megs of system ram. My vid card also has 512 megs of ram.

                It only happens to tanks.. Odd!!


                • #9
                  Re: Tank Textures

                  But what are your temps actually like...

                  Are you overclocking anything?

                  Have you tried re-installing the game?


                  • #10
                    Re: Tank Textures


                    CPU 42c with full load

                    GPU 65c with full load.

                    No OC

                    Yes tried reinstalling the game.

                    It is ONLY the tanks. No other vehicle or object is problematic.

                    And no the GPU temp is not high. 65-70c is normal for my card brand and type. My GPU will not even slow down till it hits 135c. So all is well.


                    • #11
                      Re: Tank Textures

                      uhm wouldnt it start melting @ 100c?


                      • #12
                        Re: Tank Textures

                        what has lowering your settings done?


                        • #13
                          Re: Tank Textures

                          lower settings same result. Only the tank is at issue.

                          And no it will not melt at 100c seeing as it is not even set to slowdown until 135c. My proc would melt at 100c as 85c is its limit. But I do not come close to those heating limits.

