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Patching Failed [ 1.3 full ]

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  • Patching Failed [ 1.3 full ]

    It keep saying me that .. I talked to a guys from EA and he said that he cant help me ( what a customer service!!! )

    I reinstalled bf2 like 16time ? lol and i dled the patch 5time from 5different place.

    If some1 could help me

  • #2
    Re: Patching Failed [ 1.3 full ]

    Thats ea for you im having a problem like taht but everytime i try to install the patch it says i need to have the previous on einstaled WHEN I ALREADY DO!!!


    • #3
      Re: Patching Failed [ 1.3 full ]

      So no1 know how to fix that ?


      • #4
        Re: Patching Failed [ 1.3 full ]

        Just re-install and dl them in sequential order. Probabaly will work. Like 65% sure. Maybe 70 if you act fast


        • #5
          Re: Patching Failed [ 1.3 full ]

          u mean , dling all the patchs 1 per 1 ?

          if yes , could u gimme a website that ure sure that ill get the good files ( not corrupted )


          • #6
            Re: Patching Failed [ 1.3 full ]

            If the full 1.3 patch is failing everytime you install it, even with it being downloaded from different sources, then there might be something wrong with your system.

            You may have something wrong with the InstallShield driver, or your DirectX driver. Also check for updated hardware drivers and BIOS updates for your motherboard.

            I have installed bf2 and the full patch on over 30 systems now. Most of these were new custom built systems, though a few were customer supplied systems.

            The only times I have seen any errors was because of bad hardware (HD, memory, MB), bad OS installation, corrupted DirectX, or that the hardware just needed BIOS updates or driver updates.

            For some of the customer supplied systems, I have seen both McAfee and Norton cause hell with software installs when these programs are old (outdated) versions and/or not updated.

            If you have antivirus installed and running with active scanning, disable the active scanning or stop the services pertaining to the AV functions. Then install BF2 and patch. Once you complete that and can run the game, then you can reactivate the antivirus active scanning.


            • #7
              Re: Patching Failed [ 1.3 full ]

              Dude I posted this several months ago, when I was having the same problem.

              1 Uninstall BF-2 and remove all BF-2 related files (BF-2 logo CACHE files) (Mydocuments/bf2/mods/ BF-2 and SF CACHE files) except the Full 1.3 patch...
              2. Open your case and pull out your memory. Reinstall the memory.
              3 Reload BF-2 then SF.
              4. Defrag your system.
              5. Attempt to patch game.
              6. I hope thats all I did to get my system back running. My original reply to a topic like this should be somewhere in the archives by now if i forgot something.

              Good luck getting your system working took me a couple weeks to put everyones suggestions to use and make them work.


              • #8
                Re: Patching Failed [ 1.3 full ]

                Faulty RAM ftw!

                friend has the same problem.


                • #9
                  Re: Patching Failed [ 1.3 full ]

                  No, not the RAM. EA FTW. Once I had reinstalled the RAM and reloaded and repatched everything has worked great with the occational weekly CTD issue, which is corrected by deleting the Logo and BF-2 cache files then reoptimizing.

                  I had no hardware problems.


                  • #10
                    Re: Patching Failed [ 1.3 full ]

                    get shorty : please explain me how to reinstall the ram


                    • #11
                      Re: Patching Failed [ 1.3 full ]

                      I was refering to your sticks of memory. Pull them out of the slots then reinstall.


                      • #12
                        Re: Patching Failed [ 1.3 full ]

                        ok ill try


                        • #13
                          Re: Patching Failed [ 1.3 full ]

                          Here are the topics from several months ago.


                          • #14
                            Re: Patching Failed [ 1.3 full ]

                            LOLOLOL dude it worked xD


                            • #15
                              Re: Patching Failed [ 1.3 full ]

                              Outstanding. I have no idea why it works but it did and oh by the way not my idea i got it from the fellows here and at the planet.

