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Hi all...beginner to this game..Help PLZ

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  • Hi all...beginner to this game..Help PLZ

    Well,i really like to play as the Commander every time...I just have a slide question:how do i use the artillery support,ammo support and the other stuff??What things do i have to do??The enemy uses artillery on me and it's annoing that I can't use it on him.Any help on this thread is welcome.Thx

  • #2
    Re: Hi all...beginner to this game..Help PLZ

    Press the Cap lock key and there is a set of icons with the name of what they do on them .eg. Artillary, supply .etc.


    • #3
      Re: Hi all...beginner to this game..Help PLZ

      thanx a lot,all i need to do is to press caps lock and a list of support things appears.tnx,much apreciated


      • #4
        Re: Hi all...beginner to this game..Help PLZ

        You can also zoom in by using and mouse scroller.


        • #5
          Re: Hi all...beginner to this game..Help PLZ

          Hi, not being funny or anything but I suggest you practice on single player for a bit before you command online. One of the pet hates on BF2 is non-effective commanders. Are you looking at the commander map or just running about fighting?

          If your on the commander screen then it really is easy to call an arty strike. Right click over a bunch of red dots (best to zoom in for better results) Select artillery and a red cannon icon should appear on the map which will also appear for the team. If you want to resupply someone or just generally help out keep dropping the supply crates. Try and predict where your armour is going and drop a crate for him just up the road incase he meets any enemy armour.

          Hope this helps but I'd suggest you get a bit more practice on single player first.



          • #6
            Re: Hi all...beginner to this game..Help PLZ

            If your commander, actually command, leave the runnin' and gunnin' to the infantry, the command assets are not a 'side question' as you put it.

            Just some friendly advice, people really don't like having a commander not doning his job.

