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Nerf Time Requirements???

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  • Nerf Time Requirements???

    Well what do you guys think about nerfing the time requirements for most badges and awards? I know most who have already gotten the badges will be against this but hey cant please everybody. What I mean is like for the expert and veteren badges. Does it really take a time requirement to show you are an expert at a particular kit? Why not instead of time make it like you have to have ten rounds where you must get 40 kills. Better yet....make it so you have to proove you can use a kit effectively for the badges.....right now it is just time and kills....make it so you have to get 50 revives, 50 heals, 50 kills....anyway you get my point. This would solve people getting the badges playing as commander and getting 40 kills by arty and then not really playing the kit.

    What you guys think?

  • #2
    Re: Nerf Time Requirements???

    I think anyone that uses the word 'nerf' and 'BF2' in the same sentence needs to be smacked.


    • #3
      Re: Nerf Time Requirements???

      Originally posted by Skwurl
      I think anyone that uses the word 'nerf' and 'BF2' in the same sentence needs to be smacked.

      ok what ever......what word would you like me to use and I will switch it...sheesh


      • #4
        Re: Nerf Time Requirements???

        Originally posted by orphious2006
        ok what ever......what word would you like me to use and I will switch it...sheesh
        My point is that the game has been 'nerfed' enough.

        I think it would just be better to leave things the way they are - or change a few things back...*cough*....Blackhawk gun....*cough*


        • #5
          Re: Nerf Time Requirements???

          I play for the enjoyment of the game. The points/medals/badges/ranks/unlocks are just extras.

          They did lower the requirements once already. The next step will be to just end support of stats traking alltogether. Don't laugh, when EA/DICE releases BF2142, you could see an end to support of BF2. Ranked servers could very well be a thing of the past.....


          • #6
            Re: Nerf Time Requirements???

            Originally posted by Skwurl
            My point is that the game has been 'nerfed' enough.

            I think it would just be better to leave things the way they are - or change a few things back...*cough*....Blackhawk gun....*cough*

            Well getting rid of time requirments on badges does nothing to game play. Anyway lets stay on topic!!!


            • #7
              Re: Nerf Time Requirements???

              my god.... the requirements for badges and medals have been nerfed enough. Quit whining about it.


              • #8
                Re: Nerf Time Requirements???

                The badges represent that the player was able to achieve the requirements for that badge. In other words, they are what they are. If you can't get them. . .so what? who cares? Why do you need to have all expert badges?

                No matter what you do, the fact of the matter is that there will be some way to get it without being an "expert" with that kit.


                • #9
                  Re: Nerf Time Requirements???

                  Originally posted by Zefram
                  my god.... the requirements for badges and medals have been nerfed enough. Quit whining about it.

                  Sorry bud...whose whining? Getting badges is fun to do...I dont care if I get them. I was just wondering what is thought about changing the badges to actually representing what they are.

                  Like my many revives, so many heals, so many kills and then get the expert medic badge. Same for the other kits. Getting 40 kills in a round is not realy representing and "expert medic" and I think others will agree!


                  • #10
                    Re: Nerf Time Requirements???

                    The requiremants are just fine (except the Armor Combat Badge). If someone has played 100hours with a kit he must know what advantages/disadvantages it has. Yes, I agree that if someone is a vehiclewhore than that is not true and it would be more logical that you can get these badges only on foot or half time out of the armor. But it is too late, I dont think EA will change anything.


                    • #11
                      Re: Nerf Time Requirements???

                      Maybe for 2142 then???


                      • #12
                        Re: Nerf Time Requirements???

                        Who cares about 2142?!


                        • #13
                          Re: Nerf Time Requirements???

                          I'm all in favour of dropping the time requirements. Seriously I've given up trying for my Experts. I don't have anything NEAR 100 hours in a kit and I honestly don't think I'm ever going to. It's a mad ammount of time you need to spend just playing the game.

                          However I don't really care about the "badges" they are fun to get I suppose, but I really like the unlocks.

                          Besides badges are too finiky. Look at the Engineer badge. Tryget that many repair points in a 62 man server that's full. Hahahah.



                          • #14
                            Re: Nerf Time Requirements???

                            I think it's easy enough as it is to get the badges. Let's change everything because you can't do it? I don't think so.


                            • #15
                              Re: Nerf Time Requirements???

                              Nerf? You mean make them harder? Yes.
                              In BF2, Expert does not mean Expert. (The exception would be armor.)

                              Nerf? You mean make them easier? Hell no!

                              Don't play for badges, and don't play for nerfs. Just play the game (and get pwned). Then post about it.

